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Everything posted by horst

  1. You don't have to move files into templates folder. I have linked to solutions with template files stored in the modules folder already above: https://github.com/horst-n/LocalAudioFiles/blob/master/site-default/modules/LocalAudioFiles/LocalAudioFiles.module#L53 https://github.com/horst-n/LocalAudioFiles/blob/master/site-default/modules/LocalAudioFiles/LocalAudioFiles.module#L121 https://github.com/horst-n/LocalAudioFiles/blob/master/site-default/modules/LocalAudioFiles/view.php
  2. im not sure why it should behave that like, but have you tried to add "sort=-timestamp" directly to yout selector, and skip that extra step?
  3. Simply overseen this. I think, when adding a module to the directory, most inputfields get prepopulated with the github-data, where my name is "horst-n", because "horst" wasn't available. But I could change the module authors name to "horst". Thanks for pointing me to it!
  4. This is the version to stay. It is close to get stable 1.0.0 ! The quirks with the first tries in PW3 was mainly because of misunderstandings between Ryan and me when first time talking about the changes in core image field. And also because my insuficient knowledge of PW But know we have a solution that (only) extends the core image field with additional functionality. Possible changes, enhancements on the core imagefield will automatically inherited know, like it was with the versions before the core image change.
  5. small update to v 0.9.15 and its now approved and available in the modules directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/croppable-image3/
  6. You can configure CKEditor on a per field base. The forums are full of questions and answers. My own experiences are small. If I would use it on my own, and not for untrusted or tech-unsafy users, I simply would disable the ACF and the Purifier. But you also can add rules directly into the fields input tab under extraAllowedContent, what works well, if you define it right.
  7. As far as I understand, you want something like a teaser homepage? A collection (in boxes) of subpage summaries with a read-more-link? If yes, how do you have organized your (sub)pages? Where do they live in the page tree? Do they have different templates? What are the most important fields they have?
  8. I don't know this highlight.js, but if you need different classes for different code types, css js php etc, I would simply add those within [] right after the opening <pre>: <pre>[JS] This way you are able to add the css classes to the <code without any hassle: $search = array( '<pre>[JS]', '<pre>[CSS]', '<pre>[PHP]', '</pre>' ); $replace = array( '<pre><code class="jsclass hljs">', '<pre><code class="cssclass hljs">', '<pre><code class="phpclass hljs">', '</code></pre>' );
  9. If you don't want to change the formatting options from CKEditor, one solution could be to write a little Textformatter and add it to CKEditor fields that contain those code snippets. <?php namespace ProcessWire; class TextformatterCodeHighlight extends Textformatter { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'TextformatterCodeHighlight', 'version' => 100, 'summary' => '... ', ); } public function format(&$str) { $out = trim($str); $search = array( '<pre>', '</pre>' ); $replace = array( '<pre><code class="languageClass hljs">', '</code></pre>' ); $out = str_replace($search, $replace, $out); $str = $out; } }
  10. Uhm, - doesn't sound good. Transparency has made problems all the last twenty years with GD. I'm not sure, but maybe I have read something about that they have updated their Lib to support it. Maybe the version what is bundled with PHP-7 does support it now (?) <- Not sure on this. Other than that, I believe we can do nothing. (Using any function would result into the same)
  11. How do you have installed it? Was a previous version there before? If there is no Process installed, that could be because: the ProcessImageCroppable3 isn't installed or not installed correct. maybe it misses its admin page? Have you checked that ProcessCroppableImage3 is installed? Did you have under Admin > Pages > a page with title "Croppable Images 3", and what is its process and name?
  12. You need to call your modules config url via AJAX, check in the init or ready if it is an AJAX request, do the needed settings, (modify / save config?) and return back the resulting list B, or what ever you like / need to do. It is completly the same as you would do with any other HTML-page. There is nothing special for modules here. Only difference maybe the places where you check for AJAX requests and posted keys, and that your returns maybe organized in dedicated methods in your module. (Like it is done automatically with urlSegments in Processmodules ___executeMySpecialRequest()) public function init() { // or ready() $input = $this->input; if($input->post->mySpecialRequest) { $this->mySpecialRequestMethod(); } elseif($input->post->anotherSpecialRequest) { $this->anotherSpecialRequest(); } else { // all stuff for a manual and fully displaying of the config page ... } }
  13. For a croppable image edit page (the old modul version) opening in a new window is used: <a href="http://localhost/processwire/page/croppable-image/?filename=scheuermann_aussen.jpg&suffix=cropname&width=780&height=190&pages_id=1&field=header_images" target="_blank">cropname</a> Opening in a modal I now use: <a href="http://localhost/processwire/page/croppable-image-3/?filename=scheuermann_aussen.jpg&suffix=cropname&width=780&height=190&pages_id=1&field=header_images&modal=1">cropname</a> The page / croppable-image is a Processpage that get created during module ___install() routine.
  14. Somehow I had lost the permission settings during the rewrite. Also there were a chance for some interfere with the permission of the older Croppable module. Now I have fixed it with the update to version 0.9.14 But it will not update / correct itself, To get rid of the bug, everyone who has installed a version lesser than 0.9.14 should follow these manual steps: copy the module files >= 0.9.14 into site/modules/CroppableImage3/ goto admin > modules > site > ProcessCroppableImage3, open it, select uninstall and uninstall it now refresh the modules cache and install the ProcessCroppableImage3 open all your user roles that need edit rights for crop images and add the new " image-crop-3 " permission to them Ready! For fresh installs of version 0.9.14+, everything works out of the box.
  15. Same behave here, sorry. What I encountered in short, is: I get different color for the modal windows title bar (?), and it doesn't open the processPage. So, it is an access issue. I need to investigate further. ...
  16. Here it is working without errors. Also, the relevant part for that hasn't changed between the last versions. Maybe browser cache issue, or, if that doesn't help. Delete all files and folders under site/modules/CroppableImage3/ ... and copy a fresh one new Version into it, to make sure to have all the latest versions? I can switch force and back between the two modal windows multiple times, and I also can close it via the buttons and the X. I will test this and come back here, when done.
  17. I don't know. Have you tried it with negate ? What is the result?
  18. Here's another example: https://github.com/horst-n/LocalAudioFiles/blob/master/site-default/modules/LocalAudioFiles/LocalAudioFiles.module#L121 The view file: https://github.com/horst-n/LocalAudioFiles/blob/master/site-default/modules/LocalAudioFiles/view.php gets intantiated here: https://github.com/horst-n/LocalAudioFiles/blob/master/site-default/modules/LocalAudioFiles/LocalAudioFiles.module#L53
  19. I'm not very familiar with the process pages, but every time I used it, there was no Adminpage involved. ? If you have a look at the ProcessCropableImage3 module, it previous opened in a blank tab, and now in a modal window. But only contains it own content. There is made use of a HTML-template with PHP-vars, what gets populated when rendering. There is no need for templates or pages in the pagetree.
  20. When viewing your PHP Notice from the first post, this is nothing coming from PW, it looks like coming directly from PHP. (I have scanned the PW 2.5 wire files for a part of that phrase!) Also, I don't get why it every time you save, speaks about upload? What modules and third modules are active on that site?
  21. You should check it manually for one page. Go to a problematic page with an images field that must have an image (from the old hoster). Look at the Page-ID (you see it in the browsers status bar when hovering over the tabs on top: http://example.com/processwire/page/edit/?id=1234.... Then go ()via FTP) to site/assets/files/1234/ and look into the folder what files and variations are in there, and also what access settings are applied. When you above said you also tried 777, how have you done that? You know that it doesn't work onyl to change the settings in the site/config.php, yes? You need to set it in the filesystem on the new host! Via FTP, set all site/assets/ directories incl. subdirectories and all files to the needed access settings for PHP user on that server! This is nothing what has to do with PW nor what you can handle with PW. You need to do it manually.
  22. sounds like directory / file access failures! Have you checked / doublechecked the settings for site/assets/files/... and all subfolders and files? Is PHP / PW able to modify / save / delete files there? Are all your files from the old hosters site are moved into the new one, or are there some missing?
  23. I'm a bit unsure if PW should automatically forget about old settings. I would like to see that the module authors handle this case by case with the upgrade method! This way, nothing will get lost when it shouldn't.
  24. Haha! Yep, and also, if you or your customer are more from the serious side, it is only a selection and a save click to change it.
  25. Version 0.9.12 I added a single centralized translation file. It combines all text strings of all module and dependency files. This way it should be easier or lesser work to translate it. (<- hint @ceberlin, @Manfred62, @yellowled ) @apeisa: Also the legacy and serious text selection is included. (legacy is default!)
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