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herr rilke

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Posts posted by herr rilke

  1. hello @bernhard,

    Thank you very much for the time you took to explain this!!
    I will definitely recreate this!

    It reminds me of the concept of "envelopes", where there is a beginning and an end element.
    This makes it possible, for example, to say, "from here on everything in 3 columns" or something like that.
    But that would probably require not only an initial element, but also an end element... hmm, I'll have to think about it.

  2. Thank you Bernhard for clarifying your point of view again in such detail.
    Ultimately, you are of course right and many editors actually no longer allow the insertion of images. When I sometimes look at the output, I understand exactly why πŸ™‚

    In this project I will have to administer large parts myself, therefore it could have been a short cut.
    but then and for now - I'll have to do it "right" from the start. Since I can reuse the blocks, it will probably pay off

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  3. @KlenkesΒ - that's really really clever! Thank you very much for sharing!

    So I created a module that does nothing but load an additional admin.css.
    and because my settings can be so different in size, I rebuilt the CSS a bit.

    /* Stile fΓΌr die settings-Tabelle der RockPageBuilder-Blocks*/
    .rpb-settings .uk-table tbody {
        display: flex;
        flex-wrap: wrap;
        gap: 16px; 
    .uk-table tbody .rpb-setting {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column; /* Zellen in einer Spalte platzieren */
        flex: 1 1 200px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        padding: 8px;
        border: 1px solid #ddd;
    /* Stile fΓΌr die `<td>`-Zellen */
    .uk-table tbody .rpb-setting td:first-child {
        font-weight: bold;
        margin-bottom: 8px;
    .uk-table tbody .rpb-setting td:last-child {
        flex-grow: 1;
    /* AbstΓ€nde fΓΌr kleine Bildschirme reduzieren */
    @media (max-width: 600px) {
        .uk-table tbody {
            flex-direction: column;
            gap: 8px; 
        .uk-table tbody .rpb-setting {
            padding: 4px; /* Kleinere InnenabstΓ€nde */
            margin-bottom: 4px; /* Reduzierter Abstand nach unten */
            flex: 1;
        .uk-table tbody .rpb-setting td:first-child {
            margin-bottom: 4px; /* Weniger Abstand zwischen den Zellen */


  4. 7 minutes ago, bernhard said:

    Actually what I really want to implement one day is to make it easy to add RockFields anywhere on the page edit. So for example you could place a checkbox for "center headline" directly below the headline text inputfield. That would also make it easy to build your very own settings UI with just regular HTML.

    that is ALSO a very helpful idea!

    i.e. i have a setting to align the heading - but the heading field is way up in the form. so it would be much easier to tick some boxes directly underneath!


  5. Hello everyone,
    I have the following fields: a TinyMCE and an image field. But when I select an image, I can't insert it into TinyMCE.
    What do I have to do to make this work?

    and (additional question): Tiny loads very slowly, it feels like 5 seconds after the rest of the editing mask is already displayed.


      public function migrate()
        $rm = $this->rockmigrations();
          'fields' => [
            self::field_text => [
              'type' => 'textarea',
              'inputfieldClass' => 'InputfieldTinyMCE',
              'contentType' => FieldtypeTextarea::contentTypeHTML,
              'label' => 'Text',
              'rows' => 10,
              'icon' => 'align-left',
              'inlineMode' => false,
              // 'rpb-nolabel' => true, // hide label in backend
              // 'settingsFile' => '/site/modules/RockMigrations/TinyMCE/text.json',
              'settingsFile' => '/site/modules/RockMigrations/TinyMCE/full.json',
              'textformatters' => [
            self::field_image => [
              'type' => 'image',
              'label' => 'Bild',
              'maxFiles' => 1,
              'descriptionRows' => 0,
              'extensions' => 'jpg jpeg gif png svg',
              'maxSize' => 6, // max 6 megapixels
              'okExtensions' => ['svg'],
              'descriptionRows' => 1,
              'icon' => 'picture-o',
              'outputFormat' => FieldtypeFile::outputFormatSingle,
              'gridMode' => 'list', // grid, left, list
              'required' => false,
          'templates' => [
            $this->getTplName() => [
              'fields' => [
                'title' => [
                  'label' => 'Headline',
                  'icon' => 'header',

    any help would be highly appreciated.


  6. hello ottogal,
    Thanks for the hint!
    I actually know the site, but I can't yet see how I could implement my plan. AdminRestrictBranchSelect could be an approach, but I don't know if it can link to admin pages.

  7. Many thanks from me too for the wonderful module,Β  @adrian!

    Is there a way to display another navigation point in addition to "pages"?
    I created a module that outputs statistics about the page in the backend. I would like to have this as an additional access point for users.

  8. good morning @bernhard!

    this ist bd($rockfrontend) in site/ready.php

    debug info:

    folders: array
    0 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/templates/'
    1 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/assets/'
    2 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/'
    liveReload: RockFrontend\LiveReload
    interval: 1
    includeDefaults: array
    0 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/'
    1 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/RockShell/docs'
    2 => 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/RockShell/App'
    include: array (0)
    excludeDefaults: array
    exclude: array (0)
    autoloadStyles: ProcessWire\WireArray
    count: 1
    items: array
    'StylesArray:0' => RockFrontend\StylesArray #447 …
    autoloadScripts: ProcessWire\WireArray
    count: 1
    items: array
    'ScriptsArray:0' => RockFrontend\ScriptsArray #453 …
    ajaxEndpoints: array (0)

    Full Object:

    addMarkup: null
    ajax: false
    ajaxFolders: array
    '/ajax/' => '/C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/templates/ajax/'
    alfredCache: ProcessWire\WireData
    autoloadScripts: ProcessWire\WireArray
    autoloadStyles: ProcessWire\WireArray
    contenttype: 'text/html'
    createManifest: false
    folders: ProcessWire\WireArray
    home: ProcessWire\HomePage
    hasAlfred: false
    isLiveReload: false
    js: array (0)
    langMaps: null
    latte: null
    latteWithLayout: null
    layoutFile: '_main.latte'
    layoutFolders: ProcessWire\WireArray
    liveReload: RockFrontend\LiveReload
    manifest: null
    noAssets: false
    noLayoutFile: ''
    onceKeys: array (0)
    path: 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/modules/RockFrontend/'
    postCSS: ProcessWire\WireData
    remBase: 16
    scripts: ProcessWire\WireData
    seo: null
    sitemapCallback: Closure($page)
    file: 'C:\wamp64\www\qualiguide\site\modules\RockFrontend\RockFrontend.module.php:2741'
    sitemapOptions: array (0)
    styles: ProcessWire\WireData
    translations: array (0)
    viewfolders: array (0)
    data: array
    useFuel: true
    _instanceNum: 144
    localHooks: array (0)
    _wireHooks: ProcessWire\WireHooks
    trackChanges: 0
    changes: array (0)
    _notices: array
    'errors' => null
    'warnings' => null
    'messages' => null
    _wire: ProcessWire\ProcessWire
    status: 4
    statusNames: array
    debug: true
    fuel: ProcessWire\Fuel
    data: array (35) …
    lock: array (20) …
    requiredInterfaces: array (1) …
    pathSave: 'C:\wamp64\www\qualiguide'
    fileSave: 'C:/wamp64/www/qualiguide/site/ready.php'
    updater: unset
    instanceID: 0
    shutdown: ProcessWire\WireShutdown
    useFuel: true
    _instanceNum: 6
    localHooks: array (0)


  9. thanks @bernhardΒ for this module! it makes my code so much more organized & the content easier to maintain.

    but i am not able to setup an ajax endpoint: i get a 404 error in return.

    • file lives in /site/templates/ajax/
    • i am logged in as a superuser.
    • URL has no trailing slash.

    also the modules settings says: "No endpoints found."

    what am i doing wrong?

    PW 3.0.240, RockFrontend 3.21.2, RockPageBuilder 5.8.0



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