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Everything posted by protro

  1. Answering my own question with a working example of taking a field called 'bodycopy' from repeater_matrix and passing it along to the $rss->render method for the itemDescriptionField. ps Am I correct in assuming that the module does not support images @ryan ? $items = $pages->find("parent=archive, template=default-page, limit=10, sort=-post_date"); foreach($items as $item) { $item->_rssDescription = ''; if($item->repeater_matrix && $item->repeater_matrix->count) { foreach($item->repeater_matrix as $matrix_item) { if($matrix_item->type == "bodycopy" && isset($matrix_item->body)) { $item->_rssDescription .= $matrix_item->body . ' '; } } } } $rss->itemDescriptionField = '_rssDescription';
  2. // configure the feed. see the actual module file for more optional config options. $rss->title = "My RSS" $rss->description = "the rss feed!"; $rss->itemDescriptionField = "body"; How would you access a page's repeater_matrix->body area for itemDescriptionField ? All of my posts contain a body field generated from a repeater_matrix. cc @ryan Thanks,
  3. very wicked. excellent backend structure / layout for the client. aspirational.
  4. And if we have already upgraded ? Is it enough to manually add v 4.10 back into the /modules folder ?
  5. How do we fix the breaking changes? The documentation is unclear: I have installed RockDevTools added $config->rockdevtools = true; to config.php switched styles() to stylesTag() in _main.php. I am getting WireExceptions, and the Rockfrontend documentation is out of date https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockfrontend/docs/asset-tools/
  6. Thank you @bernhard. I have followed the call trace, and it seems that the DefaultPage suddenly comes into the picture. I am afraid this is beyond my current understanding as to why, as it seems the HomePage is properly called and invoked earlier on in the stack.
  7. thank you so much @bernhard for showing the method for building a module. I really appreciated this answer. I ended up modifying the code to for a simplified extension of a Custom Page Class, in case anyone else want's to see how that works. in DefaultPage.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; class DefaultPage extends Page { public function getShowByArtist() { return $this->wire()->pages->get("template!=news-item, artist.name='{$this->name}'"); } } and in the template like so: <a href="{$item->getShowByArtist()->url}"> {$item->title} </a> By the way @bernhard, maybe you could elaborate something I encountered that I can't quite piece together. This function `getShowByArtist()` is getting called on the home template, and on the front-end appears on the homepage, but when I tried adding the above function declaration to HomePage.php custom page class, I would get exceptions that the function is unavailable/not call-able. I am using the Rockfrontend method such that in site/templates/layouts/home.php <?= $rockfrontend->renderIf("sections/home.latte", "template=home") ?> And in home.latte is where I am calling the function inside of the a href (as above). However, it only seems to work when I put the getShowByArtist() function declaration inside of the DefaultPage.php custom page class … even though in Tracy Debugger it shows my template as home and the class as \ProcessWire\HomePage on the page in which this function gets invoked (correctly). Why could that be ? Any ideas ? Again, your help has been much appreciated. I might leave the function inside DefaultPage.php for now.
  8. Hello PW forums, I have an interesting problem I am trying to solve. I am displaying a list of artists, that are children of the parent page Artists. {foreach $pages->get("name=artists")->children() as $item} These children pages act as tags for other pages which have a field 'artist', and are appropriately tagged. I am trying to send the link's href attribute to the latest project page for that artist, rather than the default, which is a sort of artist index page listing all the projects for that artist. <a href="{$pages->get('template=concert-visuals|broadcast|music-videos, artist.name={$item->name}')->first->url}"> {$item->title} </a> I can't seem to fetch anything. What am I missing here ?
  9. Bump for 2024. Is there any way to get TinyMCE Spellcheck plugin functionality in PW? The spellchecker does not seem to be active within textarea of TinyMCE using the latest Vivaldi browser.
  10. I am super interested in the possibilities with ProcessWire and ActivityPup integration. I would love to see more activity on this front.
  11. Hi PW Community, I have a local PW site (latest version) running in MAMP that has slowed to a crawl after I installed ProFields modules and activated them. Tracy Debugger shows many file errors, having to do with some cache / PW temporary directory ? The issue *seems* to go away after the page finally loads, on a page-by-page basis, but even then … I am still getting file-errors on those same pages. Is there a way to clear/rebuild the entire cache at once ? Is that the issue here ? Any pointers appreciated.
  12. @flydev I am receiving a General error: 1273 Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci' error when trying to migrate a PW site from a production/staging server back to local dev with MAMP on macOS. Is this a MySQL version error? And if so how do I fix ? also getting this message which I have never seen in Duplicator just before inputting database name user/pass and extracting Deprecated: strrpos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/production-pulldown/installer.php on line 709 - - - SOLUTION - - - I found a solution to my problem. I had to edit the .sql file within the duplicator-temp directory and do a search/replace all instances of utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci with utf8mb4_unicode_ci That seemed to have solved the issue. Never had that happen before. Must be an incompatibility with the duplicator package generated on the staging server and my local dev setup.
  13. Looks like I was able to do this thanks to @adrian suggestions here. I used the FieldtypeFields to create an ordered flow of fields which can alter the frontend markup. Here are the fields inside a page: and here is my Latte template file as an example. Re-ordering the fields in works to change the order of the markup. Wonderful! <section> <div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-height-viewport uk-padding-large uk-flex uk-flex-column uk-flex-center" uk-scrollspy="cls: uk-animation-fade; target: > div; delay: 300; repeat: false;" > {foreach $page->fields_order as $field} {if $field == 'logo'} {* logo *} <div class="uk-width-1-2 uk-text-center uk-margin-large-bottom"> {$page->get('logo')->markup|noescape} </div> {/if} {if $field == 'featured_image'} {* get featured image *} <div class="uk-height-1-1"> <img src="{$page->$field->first->url}" alt="{$page->$field->description}" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-large-bottom"> </div> {/if} {if $field == 'header' || $field == 'byline'} {* headings + byline *} <div> <div class="uk-width-1-1 visbycf-text"> {if $field == 'header'} <h1 class="uk-heading-hero uk-text-center">{$page->$field|noescape}</h1> {/if} {if $field == 'byline'} <p class="uk-text-large uk-text-center">{$page->$field|noescape}</p> {/if} </div> </div> {/if} {if $field == 'body'} {* body *} <div class="uk-width-1-1 visbycf-text"> <p class="uk-text-large uk-text-center"> {$page->$field|noescape} </p> </div> {/if} {if $field == 'additional_body'} {* body *} <div class="uk-width-1-1 visbycf-text"> <p class="uk-text-large"> {$page->$field|noescape} </p> </div> {/if} {if $field == 'gallery'} {* gallery *} <div class="uk-margin-large-bottom"> {$rockfrontend->render("/sections/includes/gallery.latte")} </div> {/if} {if $field == 'additional_gallery'} {* gallery *} <div class="uk-margin-large-bottom"> {$rockfrontend->render("/sections/includes/gallery.latte")} </div> {/if} {/foreach} </div> </section> I have a question as to how to move this one Fields Order field into a new custom tab under the Page Edit Admin ? Anyone know how this can be achieved ? Thanks,
  14. I would like to know if anyone has strategies for an admin user re-ordering the field order in a template and have it automagically reflected in the frontend markup. What's the best way to go about this ?
  15. Thanks @Stefanowitsch @da² I haven't done this before but yeah that looks like the issue. Is this okay to change to the root (i.e. mysite/) without any unwanted downstream effects when deploying to production (with Duplicator module for instance) ?
  16. Looks like I solved the problem by changing the declaration. At least this path works on local now. Haven't test on production. @font-face { font-family: 'Eurostile Extended'; src:local('Eurostile Extended'), url('../styles/fonts/eurostile-extended-regular.ttf') format('truetype'); font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; }
  17. Using latest PW with Rockfrontend … I have in my custom.less @font-face { font-family: 'Eurostile Extended'; src:local('Eurostile Extended'), url('/site/templates/styles/fonts/eurostile-extended-regular.ttf') format('truetype'); font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; } But the inspector shows GET http://localhost:8888/mysite/site/templates/site/templates/styles/fonts/eurostile-extended-regular.ttf 404 (Not Found) The path is correct and the files exist at the location. What am I missing ? I suspect the localhost:8888/mysite path is causing an issue. Thank you
  18. Hi PW forums This might me an ignorant question, but if the client has already built out their data backend using the headless CMS Strapi, could that data be fetched and used within ProcessWire on the frontend, or would this simply be an unnecessary headache ? My cursory understanding is that it would be possible, but would it be advised ? Thanks for your input.
  19. @bernhard It should be fixed now. I just pushed the latest version which updates the Privacy Policy and the consenty mechanism to include Vimeo and Bandcamp. All thumbnails are now local files on the server.
  20. Many thanks @ngrmm for the explanation. FOUC issues are resolved. Appreciate your elaboration ? Regarding @bernhard recommendation for YouTube embed consent, I have updated the website so that it includes Consenty and wrapped all YouTube embeds in a template which disables them until a user prompt to explicitly Allow YouTube Embeds has been clicked, and included a Privacy Policy page with further details. Thank you for alerting me to this GDPR-compliant practice. ⚠️
  21. Thanks @ngrmm I tried moving oswald.css above the other styles … but it didn't seem to have any effect. I wonder if it's trying to load too many fonts at once. $rockfrontend->styles() ->add("/site/templates/styles/oswald.css") ->add("/site/templates/uikit/src/less/uikit.theme.less") ->add("/site/templates/styles/custom.less") ->addDefaultFolders() ;
  22. Thank you @bernhard I appreciate it especially coming from you. Rockfrontend/Latte have been indispensable tools! So the @import in the main custom.less was brought-in from a previous PW codebase I used … I was trying to load fonts locally instead of from external Google Fonts references and it must be there because I remebmer some discussion of that here in the PW forums, but honestly I can't specifically recall why I decided on that. My thinking was that @import was an outdated way of achieving this? CSS variables are used to control the dark-mode/light-mode functionality. I'm interested in what you have in mind for any CSS variables in future Rockfrontend releases. The webp function in ready.php is coming from a ProcessWire documentation post @ryan made about serving webp … specifically under Strategy 2. I'm still unclear exactly what it's doing except that this snippet seemed to be recommended. Good catch pointing out the inaccuracies in README, I will fix those in the next commit. And thank you again for kind feedback on the site itself!
  23. If anyone can offer suggestions on how to fix for FOUC (flash of unstyled content) … especially with regards to font-family, I would be grateful. Feels like I've been running in circles trying to overcome that in PW. ?️
  24. Greetings PW forum, I have completed a revamp of the artist collective The Teaching Machine's website, which was once built on Cargo Collective, then Wordpress, and is now using ProcessWire with the Rockfrontend Module, Duplicator Module, and the Latte template engine (among some others). The site codebase can be found here. (I don't understand why GitHub thinks it's 99% CSS … that will be for another day). The site menu is right-justified, with a simple navigation and dark-mode toggle. Individual project pages can contain galleries (also right-justified), media embeds, and will display similar items in the same category as well as site-wide items. A Zones page displays overarching categories, and randomly selects new projects each time the page is visited. The Home page displays the latest projects in descending chronological order. The Teaching Machine is an independent arts laboratory devising strategies for amalgamated practices within the cinematic imaginary, musical zeitgeist, and networked hyperstructures. Founded by hypermedia artist Strangeloop in 2011, with members in Los Angeles, Barcelona, and Singapore.
  25. @flydev I confirm that is what the file path appears on dev and production, but on production i would get 404s on paths because they included the domain as a prefix to the path i.e. https://my-site/my-site/site/assets/files/1/44849-the-image-2016.897x0-is.jpg I was able to do a hot fix on my prod server by using @ryan TextformatterFindReplace module and attaching it to the body textarea fields in question that had the images added via TinyMCE … and set the rule to e.g. my-site/= This fixed my issue, by converting the redundant domain name to an empty string.
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