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Everything posted by Soma

  1. New tutorial: Create simple helper module to output @fontawesome icon markup in templates http://t.co/DsZZTDcBWj #ProcessWire

  2. I think you would also want to make sure the module is really loaded. If you tinkered with the autoload => true at some point you would have to reinstall the module. You could also make sure with in template if(!$modules->isInstalled("FrontendUserProfile")){ echo "is not installed"; } $modules->get("FrontendUserProfile"); // now it would be loaded Edit: Something I noticed is that strange ugly $GLOBALS you use $GLOBALS['baseUrl']."/site/templates/styles/images/loginPic.png you could just use wire("config")->urls->templates . "styles/images/loginPic.png"; which will always return correct url. But then I don't understand what your baseUrl should be good for, as you use it also for a redirect.. ? I guess you have pw installed in a subdirectory? But pw urls methods will already include that.
  3. I really wonder why this would work locally cause the hooks you have are wrong and can't work: $this->addHookAfter('Page::renderLoginForm', $this, 'renderLoginForm'); should be $this->addHook('Page::renderLoginForm', $this, 'renderLoginForm'); Edit: Strange as it seems to work with both for me on different installs. Seems it doesn't matter if addHook or addHookAfter, but I thought there were some case where I remember it would throw an error. What PW version do you have on both?
  4. Just wrote a new tutorial! Instead of writing it down here I did it on my recently created new blog. http://soma.urlich.ch/posts/create-a-helper-module-for-processwire/
  5. I think it would be good thing to add domain to html title in admin default theme. I added a long time ago to my admin theme. Instead of Pages • ProcessWire make it mydomain.com • Pages • ProcessWire or Pages • ProcessWire • mydomain.com This would help a lot with seeing in windows list and bookmarks, what site it is from. I can't stand seeing my co-worker looking for the correct window for hours Thanks
  6. Yeah that's usually with those hostings, they just update/change something without telling. And one morning... bamm
  7. Looks like some server issue: /var/www/vhosts/ vhost? Ask your hosting admin support... Looks like some mod_fcgid issue, but no idea what it is.
  8. And? does the "/var/www/vhosts/neuland-film.ch/dev.neuland-film.ch/wire/core/ProcessWire.php" exist?
  9. If there's no error in PW error log then you might find one on the apache server error log. Internal Server Error mostly has to do with some other error might nothing to do with PW. Also I think you can't de-install something you shouldn't. Might aswell could be htaccess. What if you remove htaccess? Any difference?
  10. Ok one last time: WHAT is the error if you call tool.php? If you call the script like this with PW bootstraped, there would be no LanguageSupportPageNames so there can't be an error there What else have you installed that would be important to know? Modules? Hooks?
  11. What error? Applied it? You mean you browsed to the script yourdomain.ch/tool.php ?? What if you make tool.php with <?php echo "Hello World"; And open it in browser?
  12. So you don't need LanguageSupport at all? Removing the language pack means? You deleted the json files on on the default language, or you removed languages at all? So you don't need LanguageSupportPageNames? If you don't need LanguageSupportPageNames you could try deinstall it from API In the root where index.php is create a new php script for example tool.php with this: <?php include("index.php"); wire("modules")->LanguageSupportPageNames->uninstall(); echo "Uninstalled LanguageSupportPageNames";
  13. 'data' is coming and is set from base Fieldtype schema. So reusing/overwriting it.
  14. Double click the trash icon. Voila.
  15. I just created/imported 45k pages for users infos in about 1min.
  16. $rss->itemDateField is for fields and not for code! It's configurable on the module screen (default) and via API. To do what you want, give every page in the feed the date of today, you could add a property hook to Pages. So you can define what, for example, $page->myPubDate will return. Then use that property for itemDateField. So such a hook would look like this, as also shown in the HelloWorld.module example. In your template code just before you render the feed: wire()->addHookProperty("Page::myPubDate", null, "addPropertyDate"); function addPropertyDate($event) { $event->return = date(DATE_RFC2822); } Now after this code a call like echo $somepage->myPubDate; Will return the current date. SO later in the $rss code you can set: $rss->itemDateField = "myPubDate";
  17. RT @smllmp: With bit crowd voting surely we can make @processwire win bithami contest http://t.co/E99W277bpi Vote at http://t.co/vIMcNavyC6…

  18. And once you have added a field to a template you'll see a "Context" select on top right when editing a field.
  19. From the RSS module readme // ProcessWire field to use for item date (default=created) $rss->itemDateField = 'created';
  20. I haven't noticed any page rank influence, as google will just ignore the redirect to /de/ as it is recognized as "language". If you look at websites we do this not domain.ch/de/ is in google but domain.ch, and the rank is on the domain and not /de/.
  21. Thanks a lot Ryan for making this configurable. I'll later check this one out. I can't find anything on google webmasters guidelines that says this is bad. We're doing this for many many websites since years and haven't noticed anything bad SEO related. Google also says, "Make websites for the user and not for search engines". Since domain.ch isn't implicating any language to the user while domain.ch/de/ does I don't see why this should be bad. Remember Switzerland has 4 languages.
  22. Have you enabled pagination on home template?
  23. RT @wishbone4design: #processWire on 6th place on bitnami contest! Help push it!! http://t.co/qAIB7Uq7Iz

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