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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. akismet checked it as possible spam: we have to wait for ryan to uncheck it, because he still didn't give me enough rights to do it myself
  2. Hi deandre, could you clarify a little? Because so far, it's pure HTML, so of course you can do that. Maybe you want to do that somehow specially [auto from fields? via tinymce?] Adam
  3. Updates: IE is fucking nightmare: minor updates on github still old readme [wanted to do the markdown version, no chance IE7 isn't supported even by the PW Admin, no prob there [iE6 wasn't even tried] IE8 is doing something funky with z-index, so hover doesn't work. I solved the width, but this is killing me. Also, BG of overlay isn't showing (because IE8 doesn't know rgba colors) IE9 can't be virtualized in XP, and I don't have Win7 virtualized currently [neither install CD]. Also, IE9 is beta, so no hard feelings there This should be it, I might look on the site tree later on too, because it's fugly. Also I'm pissed, nothing works tonight. Good night, more updates tomorrow or later.
  4. As far as I know, there isn't [for now at least] but I think it will be there, at least soon, since you're not the first to ask [and frankly, I like it without trailing slashes better too]
  5. I should sort it out for IE, finally. But, unfortunately, no time I should also style that hide link a little {maybe another glyph?} good work Antti.
  6. Hi antonio, adn welcome to the forums. This is entirely possible right now via hooks, which are, unfortunately, very poorly documented at the moment However, let's say this was done in admin [or rather via module] How would you imagine such a module? Try to give us a little description of it's behavior, more than just a summary. Let's do a little write-up – what's the initial status of a site [little description of modules, ...], what's this feature supposed to do (that's actually in the summary, mostly), but most important: how would this go? what would be process of adding new page, would you see full editor? Or the 'add new page part' [title, url + page type] only? And with this information, we can: a.) create such plugin b.) come up with another way how to solve the problem
  7. @martinluff: I don't agree with you there: I think what we need is clear roadmap [with important modules support], so we can do some of the functions ourselves. Pretty much all requests here have meaning, but Ryan cant run around and say yes to everything, that's just not possible.
  8. Maybe combination of engrish [same same but different] and links. I sure hope spam filters don't judge comments based on english level
  9. Do you know why it was flagged, Ryan? [too much links?]
  10. http://tinyurl.com/5tv2cje ;D but, seriously:
  11. I understand. If I may ask, what you wanted to used that? We may find another solution to your problem.
  12. Well, theoretically, you should be able to upload file on server, add it to page and save it [or reject it based on your rules]...
  13. Ah, I understand now [somewhat]. You are talking about autogeneration of some basic HTML markup when new template is created/saved and no template file is present, right? The nice thing of it would be, that actually, without developing any templates, you could have real, HTMLified output! However, I see currently few problems with it: in PW, nobody tells you what functions have fields. While this might be nightmare for beginners, most of web developers love it [because you just plug in one textfield and that might be email, or price, or name, or link, or string acting as binary number (yeah, I did that...)] ...and that's also problem of this – field is a way to say how to edit content, not what structural [in a 'structure of document' way] element it is, i.e. how would you ouptut textarea? Its content might be one paragraph or it may be more, or anything else, actually. Markup generation works for CMSs, that have few given [and unchangable fields] with their meaning. If you have 'blog' in some CMS, it has title, body and author. The system knows what each of this does. But PW doesn't (and that gives it the power it has). Only way to do this, is to define some field–structure relationships, or some systematical descriptions. And would use that? Beginners, or end-users, if you will, will be intimitated much sooner before they get to this auto-generation feature. And most advanced users have their ways through the fields so mysterious sometimes, that they would delete everything auto-generated as a first thing everytime they work on a new website.
  14. Rebecca: please, start a new thread into API & Templates section describing a little better what you need, and I'll be happy to oblige [and Ryan, Antti or Martin will try too, I think]. P.S.: I was talking about doing this on the template level, but you can incorporate custom modules or even whole sections into ProcessWire [that's why it's called CMS/CMF, because it's framework too], but there aren't many that advanced tutorials and I believe that Ryan is the only one who did something that advanced, so far. In any situation, please create new thread [so we don't have that many hi-jacked threads with multiple things going on], describe your problem little better [so we can help you find tailored solution] and will go from there.
  15. Well, as for that client: I commiserate with you. re: text editor – I can see why you would want something like that , but it's mostly very few situations, so I don't see this becoming top priority any time soon, not with time/resources needed for users & plugins parts, sorry. re: image cleanup – some sort of clean-up routine would be nice, however there is no such thing for a moment. Also, there is no way how to say what files are and what files are not used – since resizing is done on template-level. However, something, that would list all sizes of generated images other than original size and let you check sizes you're not using and then delete them could be done as plugin / module. [and later, if polished enough, become maybe a core feature]
  16. Hello, does it 'fail'? Or the cache file has still the same time properties? (because the save process may do a new cahce file in the very saving process) Or how it's site reacting (the cache file actually may be deleted/rewritten on the first visit of updated page)?
  17. Since you only seem to have one question [which apeisa strangely ommited and went for examples ;D] in every template, there are few global PHP variables given to you [read: http://processwire.com/api/variables/]. The one that interests us now is '$pages', which basically gives you a connection to all other pages in the site. In your templates, via $pages->get(-selector-) or $pages->find(-selector-) or one of the others [listed in documentation] you may load other pages into the one currently vied. Read more about selectors: http://processwire.com/api/selectors/ Adam
  18. @Rebecca: while [un-]publish by date would be a great function, anything you mentions is doable right now: if the banner is the case, just add field with dates [in] & [out] and have a little logic around it. As for second case, adding an [integer] field into your template with some js/php action should solve this right away, with no other functions needed
  19. @apeisa: That's actually one of the worse ajax upload plugins I've seen. The problem with this is, that there are many solutions which solve only part of a problem – multiple files selection, background upload, etc. While I agree, that some AJAX file editor is needed, I also think this should not be rushed and the one selected should be carefully selected [just because it may be crucial for page/image fields – and they are very important part of field family for users/templates/repeatables (in future)]
  20. re: content editors: just a note: as Ryan previously stated, everything about Users [user roles, intercommunication, data information, versioning] is mostly in very crude, unpolished state – because Pages and overall API had hightest priority. Therefore, for few things there are no solutions currently [who's editing what, etc]
  21. @jbroussia, @martinluff: As I said, it's on my personal plan. However, I currently work on four commercial projects and that module with @apeisa + other stuff around PW, so my personal projects are currently put away for a while [and it doesn't make happy, actually]. I think in a month I will start to have some fun with disqus, but, who knows
  22. Hi Rebecca, what do you mean under 'blank template'? Basically, every php file you create inside /templates/ folder is a blank template, so I'm not sure I understand you there.
  23. When we talked about this last time, we felt that this was needed very rarely, so I don't know if it even is on the roadmap, but if is, then very very low. How can you work for someone who doesn't even give you FTP access? And more importantly, if you have to do a website for them, do you send them finished website vie e-mail, so you can edit it online?
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