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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. Two or three years ago, while making highly customized Quote system for one art gallery, I used Uploadify. I think it was fairly easy to set it up, so I checked it – and it's still online, still in development, still looking quite good. What I most liked about it was that every message, every output was pure HTML, so it was easily customized in terms design (back then, almost every ajax uploader was flash ) http://www.uploadify.com/
  2. I hooked it to Page::loaded [after] already. should be finished soon... You'll see!
  3. Hooking up to Page::render [before] returns wire('breadcrumbs') as null, while [after] returns real breadcrumbs, so they must be generated somewhere between (and I'm looking for creation of the breadcrumbs array, rather than rendering it in browser) :/
  4. Nooooo! 1., I would like to modify that breadcrumbs code template – Independent on template and basically need it in module 2., I would like to hook to that breadcrump creation (maybe?) to swap standard PW code with mine [actually, I want the breadcrumbs to go to list pages rather than edit pages for... pages (not templates lists, not fields lists, ...), so that's what I'm trying to do.]
  5. Hi Ryan, I'm trying to modify urls of links in breadcrumbs in admin pages, however, I can't (right now): – figure out what to hook to at least 'Breadcrumbs::render' isn't it And documentation to hooks is.. well... none. – figure out how to modify only breadcrumbs to PageEdit pages (although that should be simple preg_match/strpos+substr combo) Thank you
  6. Datepicker: for some reason, datepicker has class 'ui-hidden-accessible' set, which effectively hides it. Also, left & right arrows on that datepicker has some very weird :hover effect
  7. I think that the problem might be here: $img= $slide_page->video_poster->width(300); I'm not sure what type that field is, but unless it's a single image, it won't work (it shouldn't). The question is though, how come it works on your local and doesn't on your server. Edit: Although, PW gives error for this line: $img= $slide_page->images->first()->width(300); Are you absolutely positive that there are no changes between localhost and your server (either in code or in database)?
  8. Ah yes! The installer! I forgot that one
  9. Wooo! My new theme. I just miss a little more hot pink on top... And ProcessWire logo. Or photo of Ryan's face, whichever fits better Edit: Yeah, that's more like it! ;D
  10. Hello Ryan, I've been working with PW quite a lot (I guess), but this one troubles me. What is the intended use for this type of field (Other than showing/hiding group of fields with one click)? Adam
  11. Hi Gena, one of the first things I would check, be on your place, is some control panel or administration for your live server and check what PHP you use on it. I remember something like this happening before to me, because I had wrong PHP to run .php files (even though PHP 5.3 was installed on it) Next thing I'll check is whether all files have been copied to server – it's not unusual for me to try to run some application, that isn't on server (and/or screwing that transfer up in the process). Once I tried to check one application 12 times... But that one had 2.5GB in size (and additional 4GB in database) Also, I would check if all permissions are okay, whether you have updated your database along with the files (this could happen while changing your templates, uploading new files, but not new database). If none of this helps, please post full error code along with the code where the error is located. Hope it helps P.S.: Welcome to forums
  12. @Ryan: Well, this was used on websites, that won't be updated, unless we'll find some serious security issue, which I doubt, so I'm quite okay with it But, I will use that module you posted for sure, later
  13. Edit: THIS HACK HAS BEEN SURPASSED BY THIS PLUGIN: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,255.0.html PLEASE USE IT INSTEAD OF THIS QUICK TIP/HACK Are you one of those assholes, who just love to fiddle with everything so it suits your needs? No worries. Me too. And I really hate the fact, that processwire stays on the 'Edit page' after saving page, so here is a quick tip: [non-tested with the fantastic Antti's AdminBar]: Locate the file /wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module and change line 143 from: <?php if(!$this->redirectUrl) $this->redirectUrl = "./?id={$this->page->id}"; to <?php if(!$this->redirectUrl) $this->redirectUrl = "/processwire/page/?open={$this->page->id}"; And voilà! ProcessWire now opens PageList with awesome list animation after saving. Note: Do not look for '<?php' near that line. That was added here just kick in code coloring. Important is just that if(!$this... part
  14. Well, Joomla is based on dirty and unholy things... nevermind.
  15. Hey @fmquaglia, welcome to the forums . There currently is no better 'processwire' way of doing this, at least right now; multiple languages for frontend as well as different/multiple languages for admin – this whole mulitlinguality is currently one of weak points of ProcessWire, due to nature of it's creator (ignorant american ), but it's on top of the list for Ryan, as far as I know. Adam
  16. I hate to repeat myself, but this, once again, is a good case for the matrix mentioned in the post that someone posted the other day. Simple repeated, self-expanded (user adds one 'group' of fields, another empty is added – the same way file/image field behaves) is a must in various cases. Even if it wasn't that ellegant as menton p&t matrix, at least some include of repeatable partial template or something. There is just that need to have some repeated elements in the same page (as opposed to setting up children pages), not mentioning cases where children need to be used for real pages, rather than repeated meta-data (except this can be easily solved via hidden branch 'meta-data' in your tree)
  17. @stillmoving: can you posta screenshot of your field configuration please? @Ryan: you don't have to address me by full name, I think
  18. Well, there's reason why I'm in ProcessWire group in this forum
  19. sorry @stillmoving, I've been workin' for 32 hours straight now, so my help goes just as far Ryan will come later (I think in about 3-4 hours), so he'll help you Adam
  20. You're welcome! Just so you understood: As I suspected, $thumb was giving you ImageArray [or WireArray, or whatever the class is], rather than one image, thus giving error (WireArray doesn't have size() method). By putting eq(0) there, we selected first image (in null-based array) to be resized.
  21. You know, that's the thing – I consider myself as poweruser (or, at least little advanced ), but I'm too freaking lazy to learn that idiotic TinyMCE configuration. I just might find better fucking WYSIWYG
  22. Could you please try: $thumb = $thumb->eq(0)->size(100,100); ?
  23. And have you uploaded any image? If yes, how many?
  24. I'm posting this here, rather than on github, because there is fat chance I'm doing something wrong Let me start with my structure [modified page list to show urls]: Now, when I call this: <?php $pages->find('parent=/news/'); It actually returns 1 page! [it shouldn't] And that one page is... root! (if you guessed right, you're winning imaginary TV $200) For anyone interested, I replaced that selector with $pages->get('/novinky/')->children('sort=-date')->slice(0,3); (yes, it's also enhanced a little, renamed the page that holds news, reversed the array by date and sliced the first three entries )
  25. Double check what you're calling size() on. This sort of error happens [mostly], when: You have an error in your code – chance is, your field is called 'images' and you're calling 'image' You have another type of error in your code – calling image function on ImageArray, for example [rather than $images->size, you want something like $images->eq(0)->size() There is nothing uploaded yet. This happens, when your code is okay, but isn't prepared to receive no data, and, in fact, does receive no data Also, there might be problem with what Ryan posted, but if history taught us anything, it's that Ryan's code is mostly ok.
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