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This week I'm releasing the ProcessWire Fieldtype/Inputfield module "Functional Fields" as open source in the modules directory. This was originally built in 2017 for ProFields, but hasn't required much in terms of support resources, so I thought I should release this newest version (v4) publicly. While this module is completely different from other Fieldtypes, I think it's quite useful and fulfills some needs better than other Field options. Give it a try and please let me know what you think. For an introduction to Functional Fields, please revisit this blog post which covers all the details: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/functional-fields/ Functional Fields is available for download in the modules directory here: https://processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-functional/ Thanks and have a great weekend!9 points
@kuba Thanks for letting me know. Somehow I missed that during testing, but upon investigation it looks like I was using some old school configuration ideas in there that didn't make sense anymore. I was never able to observe the issue myself, but I bet it was related to that, combined with the other updates I made last week. I've gone through and refactored the whole configuration processes of the module up to modern standards so that it should work correctly now. I just tested it thoroughly in both single and multi-language mode again. Please let me know if you run into any other issues with it.3 points
This week we've bumped the ProcessWire dev branch version to 3.0.239. Relative to the previous version, this includes 15 commits. This version is required if you decide to test out the new PageEditChildren module, which has also been released in the ProFields board today. I'm not sure it'll remain in the ProFields set of modules, as it's not even a field. But after spending multiple days updating ProFields modules to be compatible with it (also posted today), I thought it was best to keep them together for the short term. It's easier for me to support that way at least. Longer term, it may even become a core module. There's also a couple other modules in ProFields right now that I'm planning to move into the modules directory and GitHub. These most likely include TextBlocks, AutoLinks, and potentially FunctionalFields. These modules have not required much in terms of support resources in awhile, so may not need to be part of ProFields any longer. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!2 points
@adrian I applied fixes you reported earlier. I also merged changes from the dev (stable as today - v1.5.4) into the feature-encryption branch, this last is not ready as I need to re-read the whole conversation I had with @netcarver in order to finish it, but it works, just in case you want to test it. FYI, the v2 is also in the pipe and coming with a dedicated software to manage the process between all your websites from a centralized desktop/mobile app. It might will be part of a paid feature, still not decided.2 points
This week the core dev branch version remains at 3.0.239 but relative to last week, it contains several optimizations and improvements. Details can be found in the dev branch commit log. I've also moved two Textformatter modules out of ProFields and into GitHub and the modules directory. These include: Auto Links This Textformatter module automatically links your specified phrases/words to your specified URLs. This is a potential SEO and accessibility tool for creating automatic contextual links with little effort. If there are pages that you commonly link to in your site from your textarea/rich text fields, then this Textformatter can save you some effort, automatically linking to those URLs. Text Blocks This Textformatter module enables you to assign a name to any block/region of text in a Textarea field. They are defined by typing start_name where you want the block to start, and stop_name where you want the block to stop. The block(s) of text can then be shown in any other Textarea field at runtime (site-wide) simply by typing the block name on its own line in the format show_name. Note that the word "name" in all of these examples would be whatever you've decided to name the block. Both modules have been updated just for public release with a new version. Both are considered Stable, as they have both been running without incident for several years. These modules were moved from ProFields to the public modules directory for three reasons. First is that they don't consume hardly any support resources, so they don't need to be commercially supported modules anymore. Second is that I'd like to keep ProFields focused more on field related modules (Fieldtype, Inputfield, and related) rather than Textformatter modules. Though admittedly the TextBlocks module does blur the line a bit, as it promotes potential greater reusability with existing Textarea/TinyMCE/CKEditor fields. Third is that there's already a lot in ProFields and I wanted to make room for new modules, such as the recently added PageEditChildren, which is part of ProFields at least in the short term. The FunctionalFields module may come out of ProFields well, as it hasn't required much in terms of support resources recently, though it is a useful Fieldtype/Inputfield module that is very much in keeping with the theme of ProFields, so I'm still debating on that one. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!2 points
FieldtypeFormSelect lets you create fields to select from forms created using the pro FormBuilder module. Features: Create select fields that allow for choosing forms when editing pages Fully compatible with FormBuilder, render forms using native methods Choose which forms will be available to choose from, each field is configured individually Choose how form names will be presented in select elements Compatible with FormBuilderHtmx FieldtypeFormSelect lets you create fields like this, configured as desired. Choose which forms will be present. Including forms where names start/end or contain a value allows you to create a form select field once then use form names to help group them together, or add/remove them from form selects without editing the field. This is also a pretty simple way to allow end users to create forms that will be selectable without having to edit a field configuration. For example, this field will only allow you to choose forms having names ending with "request", so "customer-support-request" and "consultation-request" will be included, but where forms with names like "newsletter-signup" and "call-to-action" won't. Choose how you would like the form names to be presented in the select element. They can be shown as they are originally named, as spaced words, or as capitalized/spaced words. Rendering in your templates is straightforward <?php $page->select_a_form; // => A form ID, or null if no form has been selected // Render using the native FormBuilder method echo $forms->render($page->select_a_form); // Alternate method. Selected form will be rendered, if no form is selected output is null. echo $page->render('select_a_form'); Form select fields store the ID of the selected form and FieldtypeFormSelect makes use of ProcessWire's built-in field rendering to keep things simple. The fields you create will always be up-to-date with the forms as they currently exist. If a form is deleted that has been selected in one or more fields, those values will be set to null so you won't experience any issues with references to form IDs that no longer exist. Your templates and pages stay free from errors. My primary use is to have a form select field available for blocks created in the RockPageBuilder module by @bernhard. I want each section on the page to contain an option to choose any form that will open in a modal to put the power of choosing forms in the hands of the user. RockPageBuilder is not required, but makes for a powerful example. Contributions and issues are welcome on Github, or stop by here for some help! Install as a ProcessWire module Install via Composer Download from the Github repository Cheers!1 point
Hey all! This is a module to enhance forms built using the Pro FormBuilder module by providing the ability to submit them in place using AJAX and HTMX. FormBuilderHtmx works in harmony with FormBuilder by handling front-end rendering and AJAX and lets FormBuilder manage form configuration and processing. FormBuilderHtmx provides a drop-in replacement for the $forms->render() method and provides all native features and behavior (and adds a few extra superpowers to boot). Noteworthy features: Zero configuration, install and render AJAX powered FormBuilder forms immediately Render multiple forms on the same page. Supports both multiple instances of the same form or different forms. Each form is processed independently. Non-intrusive, can be used alongside FormBuilder's native rendering methods and does not modify core module behavior Perfect for forms embedded in popups and modals Does not conflict with styling and other JavaScript already in-place, only handles the form submission/response loop Automatically disables the `Submit` button on submission to prevent duplicate requests Provides the ability to add a custom 'spinner' shown when a form is being processed Gives you the ability to add additional HTML attributes to your FormBuilder <form> element. Add additional custom functionality using HTMX attributes, hook into form actions with your JavaScript, or even add AlpineJS directly to your forms. Compatible with FieldtypeFormSelect, let users choose which forms to embed, your code determines how they are rendered Uses HTMX, a stable, powerful, and tiny (14kb gzipped) library, installation documentation available here This module is BYOH (Bring Your Own HTMX) in that the HTMX library is not included or available within this module. This ensures long-term stability by not locking FormBuilderHtmx to external asset versioning. FormBuilderHtmx uses stable core HTMX features so use the library version that works for you and confidently add this module to both new, existing, and future ProcessWire applications. In some instances CSRF protection may need to be disabled to submit forms with this module. Just test your forms and you're good to go. Using this module is truly easy. <!-- Replace the native $forms->render() method with $htmxForms->render() --> <?php $htmxForm = $htmxForms->render('your_form_name') ?> <!-- Use native ProcessWire properties and methods as usual --> <?php echo $htmxForm->styles; echo $htmxForm->scripts; echo $htmxForm; ?> Presto. You can optionally include a helpful 'spinner' or activity animation that will be showed to users while their form request is being processed. Check out these ready-to-go examples you can use in your projects. <style> /* Add these styles to your CSS, the `.htmx-request` must be present as shown here. Be sure to include any CSS your 'spinner' may need, and style everything as desired */ .activity-indicator { display: none; } .htmx-request .activity-indicator, .htmx-request.activity-indicator { display: block; } </style> <!-- Optional second argument matches that of the $forms->render() method for pre-populated values The third argument is the CSS selector matching your 'spinner' element --> <?= $htmxForms->render('your_form_name', [], '#indicator-for-the-form') ?> <div id="indicator-for-the-form" class="activity-indicator"> <span class="spinner"></span> </div> Presto (again) Check out the documentation for detailed usage and other available features. Pull requests and issues filed on Github are welcome, or drop by here to get some help! Install as a ProcessWire module Install using Composer Download from the FormBuilderHtmx Github repository . Cheers!1 point
As usual when I have a new idea and wonder how to implement it with PW core only, Bernhard has left a forum post pointing into the direction how to accomplish what I am looking for, even before I posted the question in the forum. I guess I own you a beer or two at least now.1 point
An approach I sometimes use is the following. It seems to work quite well and is fairly clean: Put all your class-specific hooks in your page class, let's say in a ready() function (can be named anything of course, but ready() is a good convention for me). In /site/ready.php, just instantiate a single instance of the page class and call its ready() method. So, if we have let's say a NewsarticlePage class and we want to keep all news article related hooks together, we might have something like this in the page class: <?php namespace ProcessWire; class NewsarticlePage extends DefaultPage { public function ready() { $this->addHook('ProcessPageEdit::buildForm', $this, 'addImportOptions'); $this->addHookAfter("Pages::saved(template=newsarticle)", $this, 'processAfterSaveActions'); $this->addHookAfter("Process::execute", $this, 'processAfterExecuteActions'); } And in site/ready.php: <?php namespace ProcessWire; //required to trigger ready hooks in custom page classes: (new NewsarticlePage())->ready(); (new SomethingElsePage())->ready(); //etc... You can instantiate one empty page object for each Page class you need to run hooks for. There's some overhead, but not much, and it keeps your site/ready.php clean and your hooks where they make sense. Of course you still have to make sure the hooks only target the desired pages/templates. Inspired by some of @bernhard's earlier posts on the subject.1 point
I did not try, but maybe you could redirect any non-ascii url to some custom php file (like redirect.php in the site root) and that file could bootstrap PW and redirect to the new page? Something like this: # Redirect URLs with umlauts to redirect.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [äöüÄÖÜ] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ redirect.php?url=$1 [QSA,L] <?php // Include ProcessWire bootstrap include "index.php"; // Get the URL from the GET parameter 'url' $url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : ''; // Sanitize the name using pageNameTranslate $pageName = $wire->sanitizer->pageNameTranslate($url); // Find the page with the sanitized name $page = $wire->pages->get("name=$pageName"); // Redirect to the found page if ($page->id) { $session->redirect($page->url); } else { // Handle the case where the page is not found $session->redirect('/'); }1 point
There's so much more to write about ProcessWire in practice. On a personal note, I have to give ProcessWire credit for being a point of education for me years ago as I started to transition to OOP. An example is seeing how the ProcessWire API is structured with fluent methods, I thought that was so cool that I learned how to implement them myself by studying the core source code. ProcessWire grows with you as a developer and it continually gets better as time goes on. Many thanks to @ryan, contributors, and module authors for their inspiration and impact on my skills. Thank you for the kind words! This truly only scratches the surface and, as you can see, OOP is not something you do "in" ProcessWire, it's something you do with ProcessWire should that be your choice, as much or as little as you want, when and where it makes sense. Go forth and build! If you get stuck, there are plenty of friendly and knowledgeable devs here in the forums who are happy to help.1 point
Everybody using the cool ajax endpoints feature please update to v3.16.1 as it contains an important fix (added missing return statement in public endpoints). @gebeer1 point
@ryan Should the AutoLinks module not save all settings for ConfigurableModule interface? After saving it adds all links to articles, but the textarea with all provided terms is set to empty. After saving again all links are removed.1 point
Welcome to the ProcessWire forums! This is a great question and I think ProcessWire is a great platform to begin transitioning into OOP because ProcessWire itself is object oriented and is built using OOP. It includes powerful tools and features that can help make your code cleaner, more efficient, and reusable. I recommend starting with custom Page classes. Custom page classes lets you use OOP principles to extend ProcessWire and add additional custom behaviors by thinking with objects. There are a couple of examples in that link, but I'll provide one here that specifically contrasts different methods of doing the same thing. This example is a real-world case that I use on many projects, and because of how it's written I can replicate this feature easily when I start new projects. This is just a simple example of code I use that hopefully opens the door to thinking in OOP when working with ProcessWire. On blog posts I like to add something that shows how long it will take to read it, a la "5 minute read" like articles on Medium do. I wrote code that implements Medium's own method of calculating read time and use it often. The code that calculates the reading time is real, but I threw this together for illustration so please excuse any errors. Lets assume that you have a template called blog-post.php where you calculate reading time and output that value to the page. Here is what that looks like using procedural code: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // site/templates/blog-post.php // Calculate the read time for this article by using the words contained in the title, summary, and // body fields $text = "{$page->title} {$page->summary} {$page->blog_body}"; $blogText = explode( ' ', $sanitizer->chars($text, '[alpha][digit] ')); $wordCount = count($blogText); $dom = new \DOMDocument; @$dom->loadHTML( "<?xml encoding=\"UTF-8\"><div>{$blogText}</div>", LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD ); // Account for images in text and add to read time // Starts at 12 seconds for first img, 11, 10, 9, etc. until floor of 3 secs $secondsPerImage = 12; $imageReadTimeInSeconds = 0; $imageCount = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img')->length; while ($imageCount > 0) { $imageReadTimeInSeconds += $secondsPerImage; $imageCount--; $secondsPerImage > 3 && $secondsPerImage--; } // Word count divided by average adult reading speed per minute with image read time added $readTime = (int) (ceil($wordCount / 275) + ceil($imageReadTimeInSeconds / 60)); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title><?= $page->title; ?></title> </head> <body> <h1><?= $page->headline; ?></h1> <span class="read-time"><?= $readTime; ?> minute read</span> <div class="summary"> <?= $page->summary; ?> </div> <div class="blog-content"> <?= $page->blog_body; ?> </div> </body> </html> So, there's nothing wrong with that- gets the job done! But it could be better... It adds a lot of logic to our template and makes it harder to read, imagine if we had to add more logic for other features Mixing raw PHP and HTML works, but can be confusing when it comes to managing and maintaining our code We can't reuse the the code that calculates reading time, if we wrote this in another place then we have to make sure both are bug free and accurate Of course, we could create a function called readTime() that does the same thing and cleans up the template. But now we are writing functions that do a specific thing but exist without context and are harder to organize and maintain flexibility. Luckily, there's a better way. I'll let the notes by Ryan in that link I shared above explain how to start using custom Page classes, so I'll assume you have that set up. So now lets think in objects and use OOP to improve our code. Now we have our template, blog-post.php, and a custom Page class called BlogPostPage.php. Lets refactor. Here's our BlogPostPage.php file: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // site/classes/BlogPostPage.php class BlogPostPage extends Page { private const INITIAL_SECONDS_PER_IMAGE = 12; private const WORDS_READ_PER_MINUTE = 275; private const ALLOWED_CHARACTERS = '[alpha][digit] '; public function readTime(): int { $text = "{$this->title} {$this->summary} {$this->blog_body}"; $blogText = explode( ' ', wire('sanitizer')->chars($text, self::ALLOWED_CHARACTERS)); $wordCount = count($blogText); $dom = new \DOMDocument; @$dom->loadHTML( "<?xml encoding=\"UTF-8\"><div>{$blogText}</div>", LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD ); $secondsPerImage = self::INITIAL_SECONDS_PER_IMAGE; $imageReadTimeInSeconds = 0; $imageCount = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img')->length; while ($imageCount > 0) { $imageReadTimeInSeconds += $secondsPerImage; $imageCount--; $secondsPerImage > 3 && $secondsPerImage--; } $time = ceil($wordCount / self::WORDS_READ_PER_MINUTE) + ceil($imageReadTimeInSeconds / 60); return (int) $time; } } Now that our code is in the context of a class method, we've made a couple of extra changes: $page->{name of field} is now $this->{name of field} because we're now working within BlogPostPage which extends the Page class itself. We've added constants to define values that would otherwise be a little difficult to understand at first glance. Seeing self::WORDS_READ_PER_MINUTE is clear and self-documenting where only using the integer 275 in place doesn't really state what that number means We switched $sanitizer to wire('sanitizer') because the $sanitizer variable does not exist in the method scope and the wire() function makes the entire ProcessWire API available to us both inside and outside classes ProcessWire will use BlogPostPage class to create the $page object we use in our templates when it boots, executes our code, and renders content via our templates. Thanks to OOP inheritance, BlogPostPage has all of the methods and properties available in the Page class and can be used in our templates with the $page object. And now let's go back to our blog-post.php template: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // site/templates/blog-post.php ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title><?= $page->title; ?></title> </head> <body> <h1><?= $page->headline; ?></h1> <span class="read-time"><?= $page->readTime(); ?> minute read</span> <div class="summary"> <?= $page->summary; ?> </div> <div class="blog-content"> <?= $page->blog_body; ?> </div> </body> </html> Now we're talking. With a little extra code and some OOP we've created a method on the Page object. Some benefits: Our template is cleaner and easier to maintain We've made the BlogPostPage class extend Page, so it inherits all of the methods and properties you access via $page The $page object is used to output the reading time to the page, just like $page outputs our field content, so our custom behavior is predictable and and feels at home with the core ProcessWire API It's easier to find where your programming logic is and keep a separation of concerns What's even better is that because we have used OOP to extend the Page class and add new functionality, we can use this a lot more places in our templates (so now it's reusable too). Let's say that you want to add a blog feed to the home page that shows the latest 3 blog posts and displays them with their title, read time, summary, and a link to read the post. <?php namespace ProcessWire; // site/templates/home.php ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title><?= $page->title; ?></title> </head> <body> <header> <h1><?= $page->headline; ?></h1> </header> <section class="blog-feed"> <!-- Create an <article> preview card for each blog post --> <?php foreach ($pages->get('template=blog-post')->slice(0, 3) as $blogPost): ?> <article> <h2><?= $blogPost->title; ?></h2> <span class="read-time"> <?= $blogPost->readTime(); ?> minute read </span> <div class="post-summary"> <?= $blogPost->summary; ?> </div> <a href="<?= $blogPost->url; ?>">Read More</a> </article> <?php endforeach ?> </section> </body> </html> That would be a lot harder to do if you had to write more procedural code to calculate the read time for each blog post. Thanks to that method in BlogPostPage, we can use it anywhere we reference a blog post. Think we can make this better? Let's improve it using PHP traits. Using a Trait will allow us to reuse our code that calculates reading time in many places thanks to OOP. We'll create another file called CalculatesReadingTime.php and put it in a new folder at /site/classes/traits. Time to refactor, here's our new trait file: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // site/classes/traits/CalculatesReadingTime.php trait CalculatesReadingTime { private const INITIAL_SECONDS_PER_IMAGE = 12; private const WORDS_READ_PER_MINUTE = 275; private const ALLOWED_CHARACTERS = '[alpha][digit] '; /** * Takes an arbitrary number of field values and calculates the total reading time * @param string $fieldValues Contents of fields to calculate reading time for * @return int Total read time, in minutes */ public function calculateReadingTime(string ...$fieldValues): int { $text = array_reduce( $fieldValues, fn ($content, $fieldValue) => $content = trim("{$content} {$fieldValue}"), '' ); $text = explode( ' ', wire('sanitizer')->chars($text, self::ALLOWED_CHARACTERS)); $wordCount = count($text); $dom = new \DOMDocument; @$dom->loadHTML( "<?xml encoding=\"UTF-8\"><div>{$text}</div>", LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD ); $secondsPerImage = self::INITIAL_SECONDS_PER_IMAGE; $imageReadTimeInSeconds = 0; $imageCount = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img')->length; while ($imageCount > 0) { $imageReadTimeInSeconds += $secondsPerImage; $imageCount--; $secondsPerImage > 3 && $secondsPerImage--; } $time = ceil($wordCount / self::WORDS_READ_PER_MINUTE) + ceil($imageReadTimeInSeconds / 60); return (int) $time; } } Let's take a look at that before we go back to our other files. Our new trait has a name that is an "action" because now, as we'll see, we can add this ability to other classes so they can calculate reading times We've abstracted our code. Now instead of referring to content as $blogText, we are calling it $text because it can be used in many places and many contexts but provide the same behavior The readTime() method is now called calculateReadingTime() and has been converted to a variadic function so you can pass as many field values as needed We've taken an extra step of type hinting our parameters as strings to make sure the method is always getting the proper type of data to work with. This will help a lot as this method becomes used more in different places Our docblock is more robust to help understand what this method does, what parameters it takes, and what it will return, another extra step to help us as we use this method in more places Now back to our BlogPostPage.php file <?php namespace ProcessWire; // site/classes/BlogPostPage.php require_once __DIR__ . '/traits/CalculatesReadingTime.php'; class BlogPostPage extends Page { use CalculatesReadingTime; public function readTime(): int { return $this->calculateReadingTime($this->title, $this->summary, $this->blog_body); } } Now we're giving our BlogPostPage class the ability to calculate reading time and all of the functionality has been kept the same. We were able to abstract the logic for calculating reading time to a reusable trait that can be included in any Page class Our readTime() method still exists and is available to all of the templates where we were already using $page->readTime() Now our readTime() method calls the calculateReadingTime() method and passes the fields we know we need as they exist in our blog-post template This code is clean, concise, and easy to maintain. Right now it looks like OOP has made things look nice but caused some extra work... but then the phone rings. Your client wants to add Press Releases to the blog section of the site and it's going to need a new layout and different fields, but they love your reading time calculator so much that they want it on the new Press Release pages too. So we create our new files- a press-release.php template, and a PressReleasePage.php file. We'll skip writing out the press-release.php HTML, but while creating the new template in ProcessWire you've created new fields. The new fields are 'pr_abstract', 'pr_body', 'company_information', and 'pr_contact_info'. Here's our new PressReleasePage.php file: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // site/classes/PressReleasePage.php require_once __DIR__ . '/traits/CalculatesReadingTime.php'; class PressReleasePage extends Page { use CalculatesReadingTime; public function readTime(): int { return $this->calculateReadingTime( $this->pr_abstract, $this->pr_body, $this->company_information, $this->pr_contact_info ); } } Since we've created this simple class that uses the CalculatesReadingTime trait, we can use $page->readTime() in all of our Press Release pages, and anywhere that a Press Release $page object is present. Very nice. Now OOP has really shown how useful it is and we can appreciate how ProcessWire uses objects and provides tools for us extend that power with our own code. There's also some other OOP things happening here: Our BlogPostPage and PressReleasePage classes do one thing and one thing only: handle logic and features for their respective pages. So, they have a single responsibility The calculateReadingTime() and readTime() methods do one thing and one thing only, calculate reading time based on content. They only care about one thing and have no side effects. Our BlogPostPage and PressReleasePage clases can both calculate reading time, but other hypothetical page classes, like "HomePage" and "AboutUsPage" aren't required to have a readTime() method that isn't used, thanks to making use of traits to share behavior only where it's needed. So, that's composition over inheritance Our readTime() method does not expose how it calculates reading time and it provides an interface to only expose information we want our object to make available. So, readTime() is read-only and can safely be used knowing that the value will never be overwritten or modified except when content is changed by editing the page. This is a great tool that shows the difference between setting a value to $page->title and getting a value from readTime(), each have their purposes and roles. Our code is modular and easy to maintain. If we had to adjust how reading time was calculated- we could for example adjust the value of WORDS_READ_PER_MINUTE in our CalculatesReadingTime trait. Then all of our Press Releases and Blog Posts would have their reading time correctly calculated with one change. We can also add CalculatesReadingTime to any future page classes that need it. ProcessWire's strong OOP foundation and the way that it uses objects that are created from classes for everything (like $page, $config, $input, etc.) is the reason that the API is easy to work with, enjoyable, and powerful. If you get the hang of working with OOP in ProcessWire you can build even more powerful websites and applications, better understand the ProcessWire core code, and write your own modules (which is actually pretty fun). Wasn't sure of your overall exposure to OOP but hopefully this helps and inspires!1 point
This week on the dev branch are a few updates to the core including the following: Support for Inputfield header icon actions defined in PHP. If you recall, a couple weeks ago we released header actions for Inputfields via the JS Inputfield API. Robin S requested that the same be available from the PHP Inputfield API, and now it is. More details can be found in the phpdoc for the Inputfield::addHeaderAction() method here. New link action was added to Inputfield header actions. This was also added by request and it's another type of header action that simply links to a URL. It can optionally be opened in a modal window. The $database API variable has been updated with a new $database->reset() method which resets the database connection. This is potentially useful after a "MySQL server has gone away" type error, to re-establish the connection. The $database->execute() method also now uses it to attempt to reestablish the connection (for a few tries) when appropriate. Though I've not yet been able to test this one with an actual lost connection. There were various other minor updates, optimizations and fixes this week as well. In addition to the above core updates, we've got a new version of the UserActivity module (v8) posted in the ProDevTools support board. This version adds support for the PageEditChildren module and can properly identify which child pages are being edited alongside the parent. Previous versions only identify the page open in the page editor, and not the children open in PageEditChildren. Thanks for reading, have a great weekend!1 point
@sebibu you can easily hook into https://processwire.com/api/ref/session/login-success/ and add the last login timestamp as $page->meta('lastlogin', time()) on the $user object (for example).1 point
I wouldn't really call this a problem, though ? Page::render() is not an isolated process, and this is by design. If you define functions in template files – or files you potentially include multiple times – you should always wrap them in "if (!function_exists('your-function') { ... }". Or, alternatively, split them into a separate file that gets included only once per execution with include_once or require_once.1 point
Wow! Great module, Ryan. Gonna create a bunch of snippets for quick prototyping and trying things. Expect a new wave of MODx'ers on the forum. These folks love using code snippents the way Hanna Code allows it! Edit: Pete, we had almost the same thought!1 point