HTMX is not listed because HTMX is a different tool and do not require ViteJS which is a build tool and development server that focuses on providing a fast development experience using features like native ES modules, hot module replacement, and optimized production builds, and if it was, you could say I am quite confused. But I can say they can be used together in certain scenarios and we could start another thread with constructives and interestings discussions, sharing each other experiences. It's really about how you use ProcessWire, and differents topics, like flexibility, complexity and requirements of what you need to build the final product.
I really understand why a developer take the way of HTMX's for a simple and dynamic website or even web-app without the need for JavaScript frameworks, it's not new, we used ajax 20 years ago, it's funny. To give an example of why I am personally using a frameworks like Svelte, and ViteJS to build the thing, is that I need to consume JSON data and not HTML fragment to interact with other native apps. And in a complex scenario, the benefits of Svelte's component-based architecture, reactive programming model, and offline capabilities outweigh the simplicity offered by HTMX. Again, this is really a question of requirements more than anything else. Another little example, if was using HTMX in my pages written in Pascal, this will quickly turns into a huge mess.
What I could add as a bonus for HTMX, it will level up the level of frontends devs on a team. All that said, HTMX is out of topic here ? ?