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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi all, we made a small module for sending SMS via Sms77.io. It supports sending to one and multiple users. You can download it from GitHub and follow the instructions on how to install it - it is quite easy. An API key is required for sending, get yours for free @ Sms77 and receive 0,50 €. Hope this helps somebody and we are open for improvement suggestions! Best regards André
    11 points
  2. Thank you all for the insight! This has been super helpful. This community continues to impress me with how helpful and kind everyone is. The more I learn about ProcessWire the more I like what I see! This gives me the direction I need to continue development. I appreciate it!
    3 points
  3. Hi there, My company, Fixate, has been building and supporting ProcessWire sites for a number of years now. I've recently accepted an offer for a position at another company, and as the last dev on the team (the team is now primarily UI/UX), we need to find someone who can assist with client requests. We have clients in Canada, Zambia, and South Africa, so we're comfortable with any timezone you may be in. The projects predominantly have this setup: Dockerised services for quick setup Gulp to automate: builds and file revisioning SSH deployments backups / restorations Some of our client's sites: blu-line.co.za biocarbonpartners.com knowledgehub.southernafricatrust.org We're looking for someone to work directly with our clients when they need assistance. Feel free to contact me at larry U+0040 fixate.it Thanks! Larry
    2 points
  4. You can achieve this with hooks to Page::addable and Page::editable. 1. Define access controls for the news-region and news-article templates so that users with the news-editor role can add children under news-region pages and they can edit and create news-article pages. 2. Create a news_regions Page Reference field which allows pages with template news-region. Best to make it a "multiple" AsmSelect field so it covers the potential case that a user needs to add/edit within multiple regions. Add this field to the user template. 3. Edit the news-editor users and set the regions they are allowed to add/edit within. 4. In /site/ready.php: $wire->addHookAfter('Page::addable', function(HookEvent $event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; $user = $event->wire()->user; // Return early if PW has already determined that the user is not allowed to add if(!$event->return) return; if($user->hasRole('news-editor') && $page->template == 'news-region') { // Addability depends on if the news_regions Page Reference field has the page $event->return = $user->news_regions->has($page); } }); $wire->addHookAfter('Page::editable', function(HookEvent $event) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->object; $user = $event->wire()->user; // Return early if PW has already determined that the user is not allowed to edit if(!$event->return) return; if($user->hasRole('news-editor') && $page->template == 'news-article') { // Editability depends on if the news_regions Page Reference field has the parent page $event->return = $user->news_regions->has($page->parent); } }); The result for user "ringo": You could add all the regions to that user's page, but personally I would create a different news-supereditor role and just not make them subject to the restrictions in the hooks.
    1 point
  5. I don't know if these modules will be a good fit to your requirements, I haven't tried them, but here they are anyway: https://github.com/HueyGeek/Only-edit-your-own-pages https://github.com/josedigital/MIndYourOWnBusiness
    1 point
  6. Login should work as regular processwire login flow. Just do a first request as { login(name: "username", pass: "password") { statusCode } } Then all subsequent requests from the browser will automatically include the processwire cookies.
    1 point
  7. +1001 (for permanent visible reputation count and for individual member titles like: captain earth, manager of expectations, ... etc.) ??
    1 point
  8. @thetuningspoon It doesn't have anything related to that, but that example you mentioned could easily be accommodated with a hook to Pages::clone. Or maybe it's something that should be built into FieldtypeTextarea’s link abstraction. @Ivan Gretsky Yes it definitely has the API for that sort of thing. @markus_blue_tomato Yes it does include the $page->meta() data by default, but you can specify an option to exclude it when/if you want to.
    1 point
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