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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2021 in all areas

  1. I found the easiest way to get the styling for selectize was to remove the uk-input class. $('.AdminThemeUikit #Inputfield_tags').removeClass('uk-input'); Also, as an update, the new tags functionality for fields & templates does indeed conflict with the module – the result is a JS error which prevents any editing of templates or fields. Anyone using the "Selectize Template and Field Tags" and using the latest dev version, will need to uninstall that module for now, to prevent this error. I don't see any setting to disable the core text tags inputfield on the tags inputfield, on templates & fields. The only thing i can think of is to somehow destroy the selectize instance that the core is creating, and then the module can do it's usual init; But for now I haven't been able to figure out how to get that selectize instance to destroy it. Edit: In case anyone is reading this, i just pushed a temporary fix to the module which should prevent the JS errors and the consequent inability to edit templates or fields.
    2 points
  2. Hi @adrian, Do you think that it would a good idea to add options for some automatic pruning and cleanup of the log files and exception HTML files that Tracy writes to /site/assets/logs/tracy/? It doesn't occur to me to look in this folder very often for remote sites, but I see that error.log in particular has the potential to grow quite large. For instance on one site I have around 50,000 lines in error.log, most of which relate to minor issues in an older version of Tracy itself... "Undefined offset: 0 on line: 11 in Tracy Console Panel" (this seems to be resolved in newer versions because I'm not seeing it recently) ...or possibly relate to issues in the PW core... "PHP Notice: Undefined index: path in .../wire/core/WireInput.php:985 @ https://mydomian.com//xmlrpc.php?rsd" (does this look like a core issue to you or is it related to Tracy error screens?) So far I haven't had any real problems with either the size of the Tracy logs or the number of exception HTML files but if these have the potential to grow indefinitely then perhaps it could become a problem in some cases if users don't remember to check the Tracy logs directory. If you decide it would be worthwhile to have options to automatically prune the Tracy logs then maybe it would make sense to have these logs conform to the file extension and delimiters used by the core PW logs, and that way you could make use of the prune methods in WireLog.
    1 point
  3. Latest version on github is v0.0.12. This fixes a number of bugs and also adds 2 new features: When a migration has been 'locked', so that it can no longer be changed/uninstalled etc., the 'preview' button is replaced with 'review'. The review shows all the changes made by the migration (on the assumption it was properly installed before locking); it is completely derived from the json files (which should be kept unchanged on the system) and therefore is completely independent of the current database state. BTW, the purpose of locking is to prevent inadvertant overwriting of other migrations if there is an overlapping scope (although warning messages are issued if this is a risk). Hopefully it is now (mostly) multi-language enabled. If anyone needs this and finds something is missing, let me know. Obviously you will need to add your own translations ? I've been using the module a fair bit and am pretty happy with it so far. It has been very useful when updating help pages (using @Macrura's excellent AdminHelp module) on the dev system - I can then release them as a consistent batch to the live system. I have also found that it is a good way of migrating language pages as it will migrate the language .json files automatically with the pages - all that's needed is a migration item with selector "template=language".
    1 point
  4. Hello, I have a custom member user template with quite a lot of fields and would like to organize the fields of the profile edit page in tabs. I created tabs and they work just fine in the page edit screen. I enabled all the tab fields for the profile edit page in the ProcessProfile module Admin > Modules > User Profile. But on the profile edit page they do not appear as tabs. I found that wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryWireTabs/JqueryWireTabs.js and JqueryWireTabs.css do not get loaded on the profile edit screen. EDIT: even if I manually load in JqueryWireTabs.js and JqueryWireTabs.css, the tabs are not displayed. Is this intended behaviour or a bug?
    1 point
  5. A couple of ways I have dealt with static file versioning in PW: 1. Use AIOM+ for your CSS and JS files. AIOM+ is sensitive to what is contained in your files though - I got an error when my CSS contained a background image path to a PHP script (for generating translucent PNGs for older browsers that don't support rgba colours). 2. A function that renames static files according to the last modified time (adapted from this article). Include somewhere before your template head is generated... function autoVer($url){ $name = explode('.', $url); $lastext = array_pop($name); array_push($name, filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$url), $lastext); $fullname = implode('.', $name); echo $fullname; } Use as follows for your CSS and JS... <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php autoVer('/site/templates/css/mystyles.css'); ?>"> <script src="<?php autoVer('/site/templates/js/myscript.js'); ?>"></script> Add to your .htaccess, after "RewriteEngine on"... # Versioned static files RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-s RewriteRule ^(.*)\.[\d]+\.(css|js)$ $1.$2 [L]
    1 point
  6. I think it would be nice to add an option (e.g. a simple checkbox) to the settings page of the repeater FieldType for adding a new item from the top, not from the bottom (and consequently also reverse the order of the items). So instead of repeater item #1 repeater item #2 repeater item #3 repeater item #4 (here appears a new item) + Add Item it would look like this + Add Item (here appears a new item) repeater item #4 repeater item #3 repeater item #2 repeater item #1 Especially useful when having lots of repeater items. Does that sound reasonable to you? Is it already intended to add the option? Thanks.
    1 point
  7. Glad you found it. Eventually I think we'll have to add a 'default sort' option for repeaters, so that they automatically sort by some field present in the repeater.
    1 point
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