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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi friends, just 7 months ago, I was "just" a designer and a rather semi-developer, still struggling with WordPress sites and more often than not delegating that work to pros. ProcessWire really helped me realising that it's not that hard after all (well it's still hard but it's doable) and you learn a lot just by doing it which has to be true for all developers anyway. So I started coding myself, I might also have to thank the 2020 pandemic to help me focus a bit more than usual, I created a bunch of websites using PW already – one of which I can't wait to put on showcases but it's still not live yet. That is one big personal milestone for me. The next milestone would be to give something back, and so I'd like to take on contributing some code I wrote, namely a event calendar for anyone to use. It's my first attempt doing this so please don't eat me alive. It's not a PW module yet (that's the plan however) just a git but I'm positive it will be useful once it works – well it works but it still needs more work – because if I had found a module that came close I wouldn't have started coding it myself :D With that, I will appreciate all input, be it how to improve the .js (probably especially), or the templates, or guidance how to proceed turning this into a PW-module, and of course, in that last process, no pun intended, suggestions to make it more versatile for different needs. git: github.com/bbblgmsp/ProcessEventCalendar demo: http://foobar.roofaccess.org/events/ Thank you!
    6 points
  2. @carlitoselmago, Do we have a link to this module's project page and/or download page?
    2 points
  3. I'm continuing work on this module as it gets more time in use and any edge case issues pop up. I'm going to be working on fast iterations while in alpha to address problems quickly so the module can get to a formal release. If you download and test/use the module please submit any issues via the Gitlab repo so it's on my radar. Be sure to check for newer versions on the master branch to get the latest stable version. The next push to master will contain a changelog so early users can track changes and decide if a module upgrade is needed. Thanks again to those who are able to help! Here's the link to the repo: https://gitlab.com/SkyLundy/fluency-processwire
    1 point
  4. Tip: Giving Folders Custom Display Names I created a workspace where I wanted to add the "site" folder from various ProcessWire sites that I'm working on to do some updates across all the projects, as opposed to opening each workspace independently, one after another. VSCode can handle this, however because the folder name is always "site", it's impossible to differentiate which "site" folder belongs to which project in the sidebar. But, there's a way to set up a custom name override which I thought was very useful. Simply edit the .code-workspace file and add a "name" property to each root folder, so it looks like this: { "folders": [ { "path": "." }, { "name": "website 1 /site/", "path": "../website-1.com/site/" }, { "name": "website 2 /site/", "path": "../website-2.com/site/" }, ... While I could have added "website-1.com" and "website-2.com" which would have resulted in unique folder names anyway, my specific use case was a bit more involved than what I demonstrated above, so hopefully you find this tip helpful! Link: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/45227#issuecomment-371380617
    1 point
  5. That's excellent to hear! Glad it came in time. I'm going to be launching a site that uses it in the next few weeks as it is stable and useful right now. It should have more features and time in production by the time you use it! If you get any time to play around with it or use it in the meantime I would love to hear feedback and any bugs you find. Cheers!
    1 point
  6. I had the same problem and it had me perplexed for a while. My Command Line Interface script bootstraps ProcessWire and then fails without even the tiniest hint of an error message. In my case, the problem was that code from /site/ready.php was being executed when ProcessWire was bootstrapped. The code I had in /site/ready.php was only intended for execution in specific situations while web browsing (not CLI). So I took the code inside that file and wrapped it inside this: if(php_sapi_name() !== "cli") { // code inside /site/ready.php }
    1 point
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