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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2012 in all areas

  1. Congratulations! Thanks to all.
    4 points
  2. There are at least two clear indicators when repeaters are no go: 1. You need url for each item 2. You need hundreds or thousands items Performance wise (in my knowledge) repeaters are pretty much same as having one page reference and you access the values of that other page. That is what repeaters does under the hood. So while you could create news-template and have news-items as repeater field there, I don't think that is a good idea. No urls for each news item, not fully scalable (on UI side, from db/api it is the same) and you lose lots of flexibility on API side, ie. $pages->find("template=news-item, limit=10, sort=-created");
    1 point
  3. Another edit deserves a new post... I noticed that the previous approach didn't work in some situations where last row wouldn't have any page to populate it (on the first screenshot there is an example with 7 rows and 23 pages). I'm not very good at maths, but I thought that, knowing the mod we could distribute the pages in another way. So, here is the new code with the changes commented: $rows = 7; $totalCount = count($jurisdictionsPageChildren); $rowCount = ceil($totalCount / $rows); $mod = $totalCount % $rows; // this will tell us how many rows will have more pages than the others $firstInRow = 0; $i = 1; while ($i <= $rows){ $mainContent .= "<div class='columns six"; if($i == 1) $mainContent .= " alpha"; if($i == $rows) $mainContent .= " omega"; $mainContent .= "'>"; if($i <= $mod){ // do this when we want one more page on the row $sliced = $jurisdictionsPageChildren->slice($firstInRow, $rowCount); $firstInRow += $rowCount; }else{ // do this when we want one less page on the row $sliced = $jurisdictionsPageChildren->slice($firstInRow, $rowCount-1); $firstInRow += $rowCount-1; } foreach($sliced as $p){ $mainContent .= "<h2><a$class href='{$p->url}' title='{$p->title}'>{$p->title}</a></h2>"; } $mainContent .= "</div>"; $i++; } and on the other screenshots, the working version
    1 point
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