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  1. Today
  2. Well few hooks did the trick. Feels a little hacky but if it works, it works!
  3. Yesterday
  4. say @bernhard is there a chance that you'd introduce us to the art of mulit-colored section backgrounds?? πŸ˜‡
  5. This is not native. It is a field definition for a custom field 'langs' that lets you choose one or more language. The array format of the field definition that I posted is used in the @bernhard's fabulous RokMigrations module but you can define the field manually via GUI, too, if you prefer so.
  6. Last week
  7. I am using ProcessWire as CMS for a shop system. I wanted to prevent ProcessWire-URLs from getting called directly, so I redirected all requests, which were not from the shop system, to the start page of the shop. That includes also POST-requests. Now, I restricted the redirects to GET requests only, and that works also with the newer TracyDebugger versions. Also, I have a condition which checks if the request goes to the frontend or to the backend. I think a request to "./" is to the backend and therefore it worked, but now "/" goes to the frontend, which is redirected in any case.
  8. Hi @nurkka - thanks for narrowing it down. The current version uses: $config->urls->root which in most cases should return "/" but it was changed from "./" to fix this: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/issues/96. I am curious what crazy redirect stuff you have in ready.php that works with "./" but not "/" though. Can you figure out something I can change it to to work with the redirects you have?
  9. I tested all TracyDebugger versions back to 4.26.26 and the issue starts with version 4.26.27. It is the following line in /panels/ConsolePanel.php: # /panels/ConsolePanel.php line 406 xmlhttp.open("POST", "/", true); When I change the line to it's previous version, it works for me: xmlhttp.open("POST", "./", true); Could that be some hosting specific issue? Could it be triggered by .htaccess rules? Okay, I deleted my ready.php and it works too, so it's likely a correlation with some crazy redirect stuff I am using. I'll test that ... Edit: Yes, my redirect code in ready.php caused the error. Thanks for your help @adrian – and thanks again for the great TracyDebugger module. I couldn't imagine to ever work without it again!
  10. Interesting - does the console panel work when you using it from the PW admin, rather than the frontend of the site? If you can't figure out the issue, perhaps a trial and error approach of going through the Tracy versions to see where the issue starts occurring might be the quickest in the end. Choose a version in the middle between the current, ie 4.26.34 and if that works, split the difference between it and .42 but if it doesn't, go for .30 - you get the idea and hopefully it won't take long to figure out which one breaks things.
  11. Thanks @adrian , refreshing the modules did not change anything, but I could narrow the issue down a little bit, because it just occurs on websites of the same "type" I was making. I.e. they are using the same set of modules and a lot of the same template code. I think I will now search in my template code first ...
  12. Hi @nurkka- sorry you're having issues. Can you please try if a modules refresh fixes things?
  13. Here is a quick report regarding one of the newest versions. I tested 4.26.42. In this version, the PHP console doesn't work anymore: The output window only shows "0:". Tested on two different hosting providers with three different PW installations. Downgrading to Tracy Debugger 4.26.26 fixes the problem.
  14. Pull request got merged into the dev branch, PW should be in an upcoming release of Devicons. https://github.com/devicons/devicon/pull/1905 Wait... what year is it?!
  15. v1.0.1 Bugfix: Fix warnings in PHP 8.2 (contributed by esszett in #1)
  16. Hi @Angelino, Does name, status sort correctly by name, regardless of status? Since pagenames are unique it doesn’t surprise me if status doesn’t have an influence in your sort setting. If you have pages with the same title but different status, then I would advise using title, status instead.
  17. @monollonom Thanks for this module! I’m not sure if this is a bug, but when I use name, status, it doesn’t sort. I need to use status, name instead, which is strange.
  18. We have a need for enforcing the use of TFA TOTP on users. But neither Register Login Pro or Processwire in general seem to offer much help with this. Specifically TOTP needs to be turned on and then the QR code should be provided on first login attempt if TFA hasn't been added yet. Has anyone done anything of the sort?
  19. https://github.com/wanze/FieldtypeSecureFile Could get some inspiration from there. I think this is a well needed core feature personally.
  20. Bump for 2024. Is there any way to get TinyMCE Spellcheck plugin functionality in PW? The spellchecker does not seem to be active within textarea of TinyMCE using the latest Vivaldi browser.
  21. I've used DigitalOcean for years and the experience has been great, but little less over time. Ever since they went public with their IPO they've raised their prices noticeably and it feels like there are a bunch of upcharges for things that should be included. As a word of warning to anyone stumbling across this post, don't even bother with their managed databases. Terrible performance with high latency that really slows down applications. Not surprised that @ErikMH tests of DO vs others showed lag. I'm going to take a look at Vultr for my next move, the pricing looks good, like DO used to be. @modifiedcontent The flavor of Linux you choose will have less of an impact than the hardware. I tend to go with Ubuntu on servers because everything is easily available through apt repositories and it has wide support. You could say the same for Debian, but I go with Ubuntu since they offer Expanded Security Maintenance and Livepatch services. Knowing that there's automatic updates to the server is nice. Combine that with configuring unattended-upgrades and it's a good way to keep things up to date. When you read the information on their site about these services, the language targets the enterprise, however when you create an account you can get these services for free for a limited number of machines. I've run ProcessWire on both Ubuntu and Alpine and didn't notice a difference other than Alpine was a little more bare bones. As long as the server can handle PHP and a database, ProcessWire won't know the difference. You're better off focusing on optimizing PHP-FPM workers and taking advantage of the strong PHP features like OPcache, adding the ModPageSpeed module, and JIT compiling (if it suits your use case). If you choose to explore using ModPageSpeed that will be an easy add and configuration on Ubuntu, Alpine will require a Docker container and extra work. As for a recommendation on hardware, NVMe drives will likely have the most impact on performance, followed by the processor. Depending on how much you expect your server to handle, they're worth the few extra bucks if it's in your budget. I've switched between the basic VPS and a VPS with an upgraded drive and CPU and the difference was noticeable in how fast the PW admin runs. ProCache content is also delivered faster via NVMe. I saw some benchmarks that were performed on a DO droplet and AMD beat out Intel easily on performance. Not sure if that translates to other cloud providers, but given what we've seen with Intel and their chip shenanigans in the past year, I'm all AMD these days. Not sure of how you prefer or plan to manage the server itself, but if you want a recommendation for a control panel, I've recently had a great experience with Virtualmin. It has a lot of UI control for some granular items that you would expect to manage from the CLI. I've managed VPSs via both, and have long preferred managing everything via bare SSH and bash but Virtualmin offers pretty much everything you need in a gui, and is great on performance. It also makes managing resources much easier than CLI, like how much RAM is dedicated to the database process (if you choose to run your DB on the same server), which makes it great for running lean on lower spec servers. I did just migrate to Virtualmin from OpenLiteSpeed within the last month. OLS has some attractive features out of the box, like native support for HTTP3 which provides excellent speed on TTFB, but it comes with tradeoffs and locks a lot of things behind an upgrade package that is hard to justify in cost. OLS locks you to one worker process unless you purchase a very expensive enterprise upgrade. I use ProCache to deliver content where possible but there are times when you can't, and the PW admin can run noticeably slow. The HTTP3 and extra layer of built-in caching are eclipsed by less than stellar performance everywhere else. I added some extras here that nobody asked for, but if anyone else has some experiences they can share I'm interested in hearing more from the community as well.
  22. Hi, i'm a bit of a beginner, so wasn't sure how to update from a zip. I just replaced the old 'RockFrontend' folder and replaced it with the Dev one, is that correct? Is there anything else I need to do? Anyway, it works! thanks so much
  23. That's the screenshot I forgot to include πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ From what I can tell it's saying that the section tag itself is the cause?
  24. hi again πŸ™‚ actually if by ckedit you mean ckeditor, as the content of each field tab is linked to a language, the pages for which the edited language is not active should not appear in the pages select when you add a link to an internal page the pw way and, when you do in another language, landing on this page, the language switch will not propose the language it's not available in as very often pw makes things so simple i too keep running into that kind of situation many times when i wonder, how to do this or that... and wow, it's native! πŸ™‚ have a nice day
  25. yes, you made me understand 'viewable', that's great. But i can't control internal links done in ckedit (for example). Maybe ckedit is linked to /es/page and that doesn't yet exist (but perhaps a week later someone makes a spanish translation). It should work both now and later.
  26. @joe_g actually, the page souldn't be linked from anywhere on the website as, using pw native link module, language by language it should not appear in the page select, this active thing is useful for the menus as well as the language sitch, too bad my video is in French i explain and demonstrate all this (being french most the websites i make use at least two languages when not, like yours, more and i've had to dig a lot in this languages things πŸ™‚) have a nice day
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