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Detect first and last sibling page


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My site structure is something like this:

parent item 1





parent item 2

parent item 3

Within parent item 1, I have a menu that navigates to each sibling page like this:

   <ul id="pages">
      <li><a class="previous" href="<?php echo $page->prev->path; ?>">prev</a></li>
      <li><a class="next" href="<?php echo $page->next->path; ?>">next</a></li>

What I would like to do is change my li class when ever a user would get to the first and last sibling page. Does anyone know how I can do that?

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This page's previous sibling page, or NullPage if it is the first sibling.† See also $page->prev($pageArray).

edit: to test if a page is a NullPage, we can check if the "id" property exists on that object. If it doesn't have, it is indeed a NullPage.


    echo "this isn't the first page"

same thing happens with $page->next


   <ul id="pages">
      <li><a class="<?=$page->prev->id ? 'previous' : 'first'?>" href="<?php echo $page->prev->path; ?>">prev</a></li>
      <li><a class="<?=$page->next->id ? 'next' : 'last'?>" href="<?php echo $page->next->path; ?>">next</a></li>

ps: written in the browser and not tested

Edit: reread the cheatsheet text, and it says "NullPage", and not nule or false. So we can't test it like I did above. What we have to do is to test if the page has id. I will rewrite the code above.

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<?=$page->prev->id ? 'previous' : 'first'?>

means: if there is a page before this (this isn't the first), the class is "previous", if there isn't, the class is "first".

But I don't know what you want to do exactly. You have to adjust to your intention.

You could also simply not print the link at all for the first page:

if($page->prev->id) {
    echo "<li><a class='previous' href='{$page->prev->path}'>prev</a></li>";
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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old thread but I needed a back and next link for a template and the solution here was great.

I know it's not very process-wirey but I just hide the previous and next link if there is no previous and next page.


<ul id="prev-next">
  <a class="<?=$page->prev->id ? 'previous' : 'no-before'?>" href="<?php echo $page->prev->path; ?>">
    <strong><</strong> <?=$page->prev->title?>
  <a class="<?=$page->next->id ? 'next' : 'no-after'?>" href="<?php echo $page->next->path; ?>">
     <?=$page->next->title?> <strong>></strong>


and then

ul#prev-next {
#prev-next li{

#prev-next a.no-after {
  display: none;

#prev-next a.no-before {
  display: none;

#prev-next a.previous {
  margin-right: 1rem;
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