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Inputfield Page Source (module)

Martijn Geerts

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Inputfield Page Source

Display a string with the rendered output of the Page (per it's Template) in an Inputfield. The markup could be copied with a button click (flash enabled browsers) and/or copied manually from the Inputfield. The rendered output is a runtime only value which is not stored in the database.

Potential Use

Provide an easy way for editors to copy the sourcecode of the page for the use in newsletter services and such.
Note !
This Inputfield should not be used in the page template directly. (could give some “funky” results :P )


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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually I build a Fieldtype & Inputfield that connects with MailChimp, creates a campaign, in the field you could select the lists and segments and a few other settings. After saving the page, all markup, settings and plain text is pushed to mailchimp. When I finished the field, the API was depricated, so the field has never been used in the wild. (bummer)

As a response I build this simple field and this doesn't rely on those great PHP coders at MailChimp who code quicker then I can smoke my cigaret. 

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  • 4 years later...

This looked like exactly what I need - similar use, copying email code. It doesn't support the latest version though. Does anyone know of a similar module that works with PW3? 

EDIT: Nevermind. I found a new way to break it though. Because my site is exclusively used by backend users and those with specific roles, I had guest page view turned off. Turning it on got the module working in PW 3. 

Edited by Chris Whissen
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