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My Personal Website - www.neilpahl.com


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I updated my website using processwire.

The api made it really easy for me to add a 'cheat sheet' section where I could implement a Category Tree instead of just tags. To do that I added a Page field to the cheat sheet template, then at the time of creating a cheatsheet, I link the category page. On the category template, I check all my cheatsheets to see if it contains the category page or a child of it. I realize that this kind of traversing might be computationally intensive if there is many cheatsheets, but I don't think I'll be able to write enough of them to make it that noticeable.

The Comments module was very easy to implement as well. I tried to use the Contact Form module for the contact me section, but my dev server wasn't setup for php email yet. I decided to stick with my foxyforms contact box... for now (Processwire is so much more fun though).

I'm also working on a very customized page for my workplace. I chose this CMS because it is very good with custom fields and it has a nice interface for clients.


Thanks to Processwire~!

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Thanks for looking at the page guys...

Is that cheatsheet new? I just noticed it on the site a couple days ago~

That laundry machine hack was really fun, I can't tell you how sketchy it was standing there with a laptop connected to a dryer.. Drew some odd looks, lol .. Luckily no one at university would bother to raise any flags :)

And Ryan, I cant tell you how glad I was to find processwire, being kind of new to php and web dev, and after dabbling with drupal and getsimple.. I couldnt do what I wanted without taking a considerable amount of time to become a "drupal expert"... believe me, I read up and tried, and alight I could have, it just didn't seem worth it... I would have rather learned a real framework,lol

Processwire is perfect for company websites and such... I have yet to try out the possibilities as a backend for full out web apps with users and accounts, but  i don't think it was designed for that purpose, right? I still think it may be possible for some simpler web apps, I'll give it a shot soon enough~

I appreciate all the effort put int this CMS, and I think you guys are getting it right. I woul like to help out too, just let me know where I can find out what you need help with :)

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Is that cheatsheet new? I just noticed it on the site a couple days ago~

It is! Soma shocked us all with it a few days ago–I'm loving it.

And Ryan, I cant tell you how glad I was to find processwire, being kind of new to php and web dev, and after dabbling with drupal and getsimple.. I couldnt do what I wanted without taking a considerable amount of time to become a "drupal expert"... believe me, I read up and tried, and alight I could have, it just didn't seem worth it... I would have rather learned a real framework,lol

Thanks, glad that you are enjoying ProcessWire! We are likewise glad to have you using it.

I have yet to try out the possibilities as a backend for full out web apps with users and accounts, but  i don't think it was designed for that purpose, right?

Actually it is very much designed for that purpose. PW makes a great webapp back-end, and it's designed as much for this as it is a CMS. Though when it comes to complex user account interactions, it is more like using a framework than a turn-key system like the one we're typing in now (SMF). But PW has quite a powerful user system that is ready to handle just about any task.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Added new features to the site... Everyone says that wordpress and things are good for blogs, but I was having so much fun with PW that I used it to create my custom blog engine.

I tried my own approach to blogs when I added a "Logs" section to my page. I use these logs to document various topics that I am toying with. I use category templates to implement a topic tree, then each category has child pages which are the log entries. This way, the topics are organized nicely and they can be selected to show a paginated list of the topic's entries. It implements the pagination module (not enough entries yet, but it worked on my staging site) to limit the entry list to 5 entries per page.

next, I plan to add some forms which I can see when I'm logged in to add new entries quicker. However, I haven't figured out how to create new pages through code yet.


P.S. - I have yet to add the "Log" which talks about my experiences with PW and such. Alos, I'm using the PW cheatsheet more often now and it is great!

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Great update Neil. Looks like a very well put together blog, nicely done.

I think you'll find adding pages via the API to be just as easy as developing anything else in the API. It basically goes like this:

$p = new Page();
$p->parent = $pages->get('/path/to/parent'); // tell it where the page should go
$p->template = 'some-template'; // tell it what template it should use 
$p->title = 'Some page'; // give it a title
$p->name = 'some-page-name'; // this is optional, as PW will make one for you if you don't
$p->any_field = 'any value'; // and set any other fields you want
$p->save(); // then save and you are done 
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I added one simple line to more easily edit the current page, or add parent sibling and child pages. This way, I don't have to navigate through the admin every time I want to add or edit. I added into my head.inc so that its included on every page:

			echo "<br/><a href='{$config->urls->admin}page/edit/?id={$page->id}'>Edit Page</a> | <a href='{$config->urls->admin}page/add/?parent_id={$page->id}'>Add New Child Page</a> | <a href='{$config->urls->admin}page/add/?parent_id={$page->parent_id}'>Add New Sibling Page</a> <br/><br/>";
Edited by neildaemond
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I think that these links would be incredibly useful in the admin interface when adding pages. It is annoying when you just want to add a dozen pages to one section and you have to keep going back to the page list, especially when your structure is a few levels deep and it takes a while to animate.

I'm not complaining about the animation though - that's perfectly highlights where you are in the tree, but it does break the workflow a bit when adding lots of pages.

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I often use "open in new tab" command function of the browser to keep the tree open where it is. Also doing this in many other cases.

Thinking about it, I'm not sure why I didn't just do that instead. Oh well ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice work Neil!

I really like the way your category tree works and I love that you put together cheat sheets. Not every site functions well with a standard blog format, and your site is a great example.

I did find a few pages a little difficult to read due to the text wrapping around the category tree as seen on the following page.


Looking forward to the pw logs ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks Zach! It's nice to get some positive feedback about those category trees... sometimes I wonder if tags would be a better choice. But I find it nice to have all the logs related to a certain topic or project in the same place, and in the same order as it helps me track down what I've done in the past with something.

I am thinking of adding general tag function in addition to the category trees in which i could tag pretty much any page (because I really like some of those slick Tag Clouds out there). It could be easy to implement, but harder if I want it more polished with those those tag input sections which auto populate the tags as I type. Maybe it could become a plugin or something.

as for PW logs, I figured the processwire site has pretty good documentation already and I will start those PW logs when I do more complex things like bootstrapping pw and creating more app style things that utilize the $user capabilities of pw

Thanks again to all those who took the time to check out my page and leave feedback :)

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I am thinking of adding general tag function in addition to the category trees in which i could tag pretty much any page (because I really like some of those slick Tag Clouds out there). It could be easy to implement, but harder if I want it more polished with those those tag input sections which auto populate the tags as I type. Maybe it could become a plugin or something.

You get very nice solution already using auto complete page field and using this feature:

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New tagging system using auto complete page field. Abusing it like crazy! Thanks apeisa for the direction! Now I just have to figure out a good way to count how many pages are using each tag so I can make the more frequent tags larger.

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