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Getting started: How to structure the page


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Hi there,
I'm new with processwire and we are planning a review site.
To avoid building one big review page, we want to share the review informations accross multiple pages.
The url structure is like
Sometimes there exist even more pages like
The page /productname doesn't consist of any informations, it always starts with /productname/test
I cannot change the url strucutre, this one is given.
Here are a couple of questions about how to structure
  • Should I implement /test, /costs and /alternatives  as parameters of /productname (and show parameter dependend content)
    or as real pages?
  • Should I keep all the information for /test, /costs, /alternatives, /features inside /productname
    and fetch inside the subpages from the parent /productname?
Thank you,
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@pleini - welcome to the forum.

to make it easy i would keep the editing all on one screen; then use URL segments to show the different field on each of the virtual pages;

but if you need something where the fields are not fixed and you can't predict what the child pages are, you could use the new PageTable module and use the child pages for those; in that case you would still be able to manage the child pages directly on the main page;

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First, Welcome to ProcessWire.

Both of your questions are doable as ProcessWire doesn't impose any particular structure on you.  Hopefully some of the more knowledgeable members will give you countless ways of structuring your website.

I do things differently that most people, so I would have a page and have the costs, alternatives and features show up on the page as sliders or tabs.

Another way would be to have the costs, alternatives and features be child pages to test.  You could have individual buttons or links to the child pages on the test page.

As I said earlier, there are many ways to proceed with your structure and very smart forum members with innovative web development skills.  Good luck.

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i'm actually referring to PageTable but i don't know if there is a dedicated thread yet for that one;

it would allow you to manage your child pages (add, edit, delete) from the parent page, in a sortable list; you can click on the item and edit it in a modal lightbox.

you can also configure the fields to show in the table, and also custom auto name for the child page titles;

so all in all, a very handy module, and the pages you manage don't have to be children, they could be somewhere else and you would make the pageTable field and setup the preferences there.

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Here are the instructions for upgrading PW:


You shouldn't need to do anything with already installed modules - they will stay installed and activated.

If you want to actually upgrade an existing installed module, you can simply click on the name of a module on the module page and then click the "check for updates" link - follow the prompts - all automated!

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Just overwrite the wire folder, installed modules are installed in your site folder, thus not overwritten.

I got a nice message from cstevensjr, correcting me on the line above. He was kind enough to write the proper steps. Quoted from cstevensjr:

    1. They should first rename the wire directory
    2. Copy the new wire directory to the server
    3. Remove the old renamed wire directory from the server.

Thanks cstevensjr, we are lucky to have you here !

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