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Activity Stream, suggestions?


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Hello all,

I'm trying to figure out a method to build an activity stream in PW (or vanilla php).

Something like "User1 has updated his profile picture 10 minutes ago" "User2 added/modified his profile description" and so on...

Does anyone have some suggestion to point me in the right direction?


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How's this to get things rolling?

foreach($pages->find("id!=2, id!=7, has_parent!=2, has_parent!=7, template!=admin, sort=-modified") as $p){
   echo "<p>{$p->modifiedUser->name} updated {$p->title} " .  wireRelativeTimeStr($p->modified)."</p>";
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This is a good starting point, for sure....what about setTrackChanges() method?

Never used before and it's kind of a mistery to me how its usage would be.

Do you think that would come in handy?

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I've implemented similar things before (not in PW, but still PHP/MySQL) and each item is its own entry.

From that experience, it's a lot easier to filter on, personalise and scale, if you have an explicit container of items with their own reference for type of update, user, timestamp and so on. This should let you easily control the wording of the updates, decide if an update should actually be added or ignore it (e.g. prevent too many of the same type within a short space of time), and easily build in comments/like functionality.

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Here is a snippet that I have used to quickly determine changes of defined fields:

	public function getModifiedStamps($tablenames) {
		$tablenameDefaults = array('field_title', 'field_headline', 'field_somename');
		$tablenames = array_merge($tablenameDefaults, $tablenames);
		$stamps = array();
		foreach($tablenames as $tablename) {
			$r = wire('db')->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$tablename'");
			$row = $r->fetch_assoc();
			$stamps[$tablename] = strtotime($row['Update_time']);
			#$stamps['s_'.$tablename] = date('d.m.Y H:i:s', strtotime($row['Update_time']));
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