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[solved] IE8 can't delete images


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There's seems to be another problem with IE, (or at least IE8). Deleting images using the trash icon doesn't work in IE. I don't have an IE currently available to test this. But client changed to Safari and it's working, so definately a problem with IE.

Anyone having IE can confirm this? Since there seems to be popping out various problems with IE, how far is this really tested? Considering most client use IE, it seems PW is not really usable with IE.

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Other note: I am all in for ditching support for IE8. I know it is currently most popular IE version, but it is behind IE9 for miles. As we all know there are few free alternatives (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari) that all do better job than IE.

I rather lose few sales than try to innovate with new features and fight with IE8 problems.

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Thanks antti for testing. Yeah IE9 seems to work, it's IE8 that causes problems.

Since there's no support in PW for < IE8 it should in fact be < IE9, or honestly I would be all in to drop IE completely even. But there's client's not able to install other browsers in a company environement as we all know. I'm sure there's a simple solution to this in IE8 to get delete function working, but then I think there's a lot more we didn't find yet.

I think this all should be addressed as soon as possible on how PW will continue regarding browsers support.

It was a bit unlucky that I wasn't aware of this before, and found only out after the client already failed and lost content he entered already.

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Does IE8 have a compatibility mode button (can't remember) and does this solve anything if it's toggled? Granted it's more likely to introduce other issues but you never know and if it does work even those on corporate networks should be able to switch that on.

Sadly I don't have IE8 to test it myself.

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Since there's no support in PW for < IE8 it should in fact be < IE9, or honestly I would be all in to drop IE completely even. But there's client's not able to install other browsers in a company environement as we all know.

Well - I have had very few issues with IE9 ever. It is ok browser and IE 10 seems to be a very good browser. So I would draw the line to IE9. There is very little differences between IE7 and IE8, so I agree with you that supporting IE8 doesn't make much sense... Sad thing is that 8 is latest IE that has Windows XP support, so it will live long...

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Does IE8 have a compatibility mode button (can't remember) and does this solve anything if it's toggled?

Actually I think that we should disable possibility to use compatibility mode. What it does is that it uses IE6 rendering mode (and well.. with few extra quirks). It shouldn't have any effect in this issue - but since it is IE we are speaking of - I am not sure (and not able to test currently).

This metatag should use latest IE rendering available (in browser used):

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">

It also forces Chrome frame if that is installed. And it should be something that everyone can install without administrative rights: http://code.google.com/chrome/chromeframe/

So maybe good support might be IE9+ and earlier IE versions with chrome frame (although should be tested...).

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I definitely wouldn't want to drop IE support. Before I inadvertently wiped out all my virtual machines during a recent OS X upgrade, I found everything in PW to work just fine in IE8 (minus TinyMCE image/link dialogs). Though I did spend days trying to get IE8 working with the TinyMCE dialogs and never figured it out. Perhaps we should officially support IE9 and newer as you guys mentioned. I had always thought that most clients used IE so I've always put a lot of effort into supporting it. I always ask clients what browser they are using, and quite surprisingly it's been long time since one has said they are using IE. But it wasn't that many years ago that almost all used IE. Still I prefer to err on the side of expecting that someone is using IE until they say otherwise.

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It's been a little while since I've since frontend code of PW admin, but I actually am against dropping support for IE8. IE8 is pretty much decent browser - I supported IE6 until last year actually. Other than that, the real reason why I am against dropping the support is that these mentioned bugs (at least this one with deleting images) can't be really hard to solve; since we use jQuery, most of the Xbrowser differences are already (almost) cleared for us.

I might be able to look into this later some time (I have to pull to my PW2.1 version anyway, and also create at least one empty install for testing)

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Last I checked we were fully IE8 compatible, except for the TinyMCE issues. So I think you are right that it's not that big of a deal. But the TinyMCE one is a little bit more of an unknown.. I've already clocked in a day trying to make it work with IE8 without breaking it in other browsers and struck out there.

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Thanks for the offer to help adamkiss! Would be greatly appreciated to get it work in IE8. Client is in a network and can't install other browsers.

As for IE8:

- It's impossible for now to use PW in IE8 at all. The edit page layout is messed up totally!.. (tested this in IE9 switched to IE8, and tested in IE8 native on browserstack.com ...)

- and the mentioned problems with delete file and topsave button.

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- It's impossible for now to use PW in IE8 at all. The edit page layout is messed up totally!.. (tested this in IE9 switched to IE8, and tested in IE8 native on browserstack.com ...)

Just tested myself and nothing out of ordinary. Must be something on your install. I am running the very latest version of PW 2.1.

What comes to save page problem: maybe best solution would be instead of cloning the button element, just create span element with the same looks and give that click event which submits the form.

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Thanks for testing apeisa. Then it must be something with my EditHelper Field Link module I guess, where I had to set a clearfix to the inputfields containers... will test again with deinstalled.

EDIT: Yeah it was it.... My module does modification to the fieldwrapper to be able to put an inline element... But since it's only used for superadmin... no real problem for now.

As for the top save button, I just left out the button duplication in IE, as mentioned in the other thread.

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Back to topic.

I looked at the InputfieldFile.js where the delete ui handling is. I don't know how this even works in other browsers.

It's delegate checking for the input checkbox to change, and sets the inputfield status according if the input is checked or not. The input itself is display:hidden! So, I can't click an element that's not visible... If I make the input display:block, the checkbox input is visible and I'm able to click in IE. I'm currently trying to get a workaround, but it's not as easy as I first thought.

I'll have to consider it a little more...

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Thanks for your work in testing this stuff.

I looked at the InputfieldFile.js where the delete ui handling is. I don't know how this even works in other browsers.

The way it works is that a checkbox label is supposed to toggle the on/off state of the checkbox. So when you've got something like <label><input type='checkbox' value='1'> Click Me</label>, clicking "Click Me" is supposed to toggle the checked state. So in the case of that trash icon, the icon itself is the label, while the checkbox is hidden.

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Ah sure now I get it Ryan (didn't see the there was a label) :D... though this doesn't seem to work in IE8.

I got it working in IE8 with the following changes.

I did a condition for < IE9 and do a click event on the icon, that would then toggle the input checkbox.

The routine to toggle field I moved to a function which get called by both versions.

I tested in IE8 and IE9 and it works.

New InputfieldFile.js attached. You may want to change your PW source with this or make further testing?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Ryan, I kinda gave up to set up virtual Windows on my mac, and my PC died lately :/

I'm considering browserstack.com for IE testing, but it's expensive and last time I tried free 1 hour, it was kinda slow (but still better than none).

I would really appreciate it, as I need to always take care of it when updating core in several projects, though it still is doable.

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Well the good news is that I got my virtual machines going again (a VMWare Fusion upgrade did the trick). But I've only got a few minutes online today because it's a holiday here and not likely to get enough time to test today. Everyone is taking a nap so figured I'd try to catch up with some forum posts while I had the chance. :) I'm going to be online tomorrow though so will plan to test then. Thanks again for all of your help in tracking this stuff down.

Edit: This reply is for both of the IE threads (this one and the one about the link selection0

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