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Wire404Exception() and _init.php


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I rebuilding site from another CMS and need to redirect some old pages to new ones.

Old scheme of urls is site.com/index.php?id=123

I have this in _init.php:

$id = (int)$input->get->id;

if ($id > 0) {
  $redirect_page = wire('pages')->get("parent=/tools/old2new/, template=old2new-redirect, name=$id");
  if ($redirect_page instanceof NullPage) {

    throw new Wire404Exception();

  } else {

    $url = $redirect_page->redirect_to->url . $redirect_page->param; 


So, Wire404Exception() -- throw me this:

Fatal error: Exception: (in \www\site\templates\_init.php line 21) #0 \www\wire\core\TemplateFile.php(139): require() #1 [internal function]: TemplateFile->___render() #2 \www\wire\core\Wire.php(359): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #3 \www\wire\core\Wire.php(317): Wire->runHooks('render', Array) #4 \www\wire\modules\PageRender.module(337): Wire->__call('render', Array) #5 \www\wire\modules\PageRender.module(337): TemplateFile->render() #6 [internal function]: PageRender->___renderPage(Object(HookEvent)) #7 \www\wire\core\Wire.php(359): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #8 \www\wire\core\Wire.php(317): Wire->runHooks('renderPage', Array) #9 \www\wire\core\Wire.php(381): Wire->__call('renderPage', Array) #10 \www\wire\core\Wire.php(381): PageRender->renderPage(O in \www\index.php on line 216

But if I use exception from another template it working fine and render 404 page. 

Please help to fix it and maybe some suggestion to "redirect" code?

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PHP doesn't like Exceptions in included files and (assuming that it's prependTemplateFile) _init.php is included during page rendering. I'd suggest putting together a simple module for this.

Edit: you could, probably, also do this in your home template, right? Assuming that old URL's were always "/?id=*", they should always end up on your home page and that should work just as well.. or even better? :)

Edited by teppo
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Edit: you could, probably, also do this in your home template, right? Assuming that old URL's were always "/?id=*", they should always end up on your home page and that should work just as well.. or even better? :)

You right, just one template needed! Dumb me ^_^.


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A 404 exception will interrupt the render process and render the 404 page instead of the requested one along with a 404 header and url stays the same. So the render of the 404 page in the background calls the _init.php again.

When using the prepend file _init.php you always have to keep in mind that it's called on every $page->render() (you might also do manually in a template to render another page). Depending what you do in the _init.php it may cause trouble cause it's called multiple times for a request.

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A 404 exception will interrupt the render process and render the 404 page instead of the requested one along with a 404 header and url stays the same. So the render of the 404 page in the background calls the _init.php again.

When using the prepend file _init.php you always have to keep in mind that it's called on every $page->render() (you might also do manually in a template to render another page). Depending what you do in the _init.php it may cause trouble cause it's called multiple times for a request.

Thanks, guys, for the great explanation. It's very helpful.

But I think now why am I wanted to throw 404 to the simple get parameter? I have to check for IDs which I want to redirect and just leave others alone  without any redirections. Am I right?

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  • 4 months later...

<ashamed> Still didn't got it </ashamed>

tried to throw a 404 if urlSegment1 isn't pdf as mentioned when activating urlSegments

if($input->urlSegment1 && $sanitizer->pageName($input->urlSegment1) != 'pdf') throw new Wire404Exception(); 

tried in _init.php, _main.php and in the page template as well nothing works

It says "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare myFancyFunctions() .."


changed "include("./includes/functions.php");" to "include_once("./includes/functions.php");" seems to work :-)

Or is there anything I'm missing or a better way?

Edited by Can
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  • 2 months later...
Thanks, guys, for the great explanation. It's very helpful.

But I think now why am I wanted to throw 404 to the simple get parameter? I have to check for IDs which I want to redirect and just leave others alone  without any redirections. Am I right?


It was not very good idea. Search engines don't like when several addresses show page with same content.

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