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I missed the spam post, thanks for taking care of that. We get 50+ new spam accounts per day, and the stopforumspam blacklist takes care of nearly all of them. But I do have to go in and delete all the filtered accounts every week or so. 600+ accounts means it's time for me to delete them (tomorrow). :)

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Wow - that's a lot of junk accounts.

Might be worth coding a simple Q&A challenge question into the registration form if there's an easy way to do that (or a mod for SMF already). I used on on one site and it cut spam registrations down to one or two a week :)

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Amazingly these are just the accounts that get through the 1) Captcha image (on most difficult-to-read setting), and 2) email verification. I don't know what the purpose is, but apparently a lot of forums get hit with these same accounts because stopforumspam.com nearly always recognizes them.

A large amount of our spam accounts come from China for some reason. I don't think we have any legitimate current ProcessWire users in China (?) right now, but I'm hopeful we'll have lots in the future.

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