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PW Forums, read/undread

Adam Kiss

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Has anyone noticed this?

  • Open subforum marked as unread
  • Notice more than one (2 and more) unread topics/posts
  • Read one topic
  • go back to forum index (via main menu, for instance)
  • the subforum is no longer marked as unread

Has anyone noticed this? (I often use the site main manu to get to forums index), so I'm often pissed because of this. Ryan, isn't there option for subforums to 'be marked as unread until all unread threads have been opened'?

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Hmmm... hadn't noticed to be honest, but that's probably because my way of reading forums is to click "Show undread posts since last visit" and then open each thread in a new tab.

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I have the same issue, which has had me miss new messages a couple of times. I figured it was just the behavior of the forum. I haven't seen any options to change that behavior unfortunately.

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Maybe this is fixed in SMF v2? Not that that would be a good enough reason for upgrading - other than this the forums work as intended from what I can tell.

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I made a bookmark from the link "Show unread posts since your last visit" at the top (in fact I made it a Speed Dial in Opera) and when I open that page, I then always open each unread topics I want to read in a new tab and click the "Mark all messages are read" before actually reading the newly opened tabs.

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