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Imported database, can't login now


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This is all on a local enviroment.

I did a fresh install of PW and imported my old database. I changed the site/config to match new database name and I can see the site is functioning and looking correctly. However, I can not log into the admin even though my username and pass are correct in the config file. I'm stumped!

Any ideas? Thank you so much,

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I'm betting apesia's suggestion has solved this for you but just in case.., I used to get locked out sometimes with TXP and the advice below always helped. It's not directly applicable here (different named tables etc) but in case it's of any help I thought I'd note it.

With phpMyAdmin, or at the MySQL command prompt, run the following query:
update txp_users set pass=password(lower('pass')) where name='user';
..where pass is the new password, and user is the login username.

(Tks to TXP docs for this tip)

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