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Sublime Text 2 and CSS autocomplete (cheeky use of PW forum!)


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This is likely a cheeky question for the PW boards even though it is in the Dev Talk section, so apologies in advance.

Does anyone here use Sublime Text 2 and when writing CSS is able to get autocomplete to suggest


by typing say

tex [tab]

I have the emmet plugin installed and have looked at lots of others but I just can't seem to find a way to achieve a comprehensive CSS autocomplete like that found with say Coda and Espresso.

Thanks in advance to anyone out there with some ideas! Cheers! :) 

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Thanks diogo, gonna revert ST2 to default and try again! And thanks Soma, diogo is in good company, I get called Adam a lot. I just feel sorry for Adam who must sometimes get called Alan ;)

Edit: ST2 working perfectly after reset! :D

Edited by alanfluff
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Well, it's only a two letters difference

So that'd be 50% wrong then?

Do you see how I oh so cleverly got this onto my strong(er) skill set—the ability to type peoples names correctly? Versus yours (and all the other clever people here)—the ability to be brilliant at web stuff and also usually type peoples names correctly :)

Srsly, I am only too delighted to call you diogo and promise not to behave like a foreigner and type it wrong (although a Brit who's moved to Canada IS possibly a foreigner, so apologies there if that counts ;))

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