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PHP-FPM Signal 11 (SIGSEGV) with Tracy Debugger bluescreen


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I am using ProcessWire 3.0.242 on Debian bookworm, with PHP 8.3.14 and NGINX 1.22.1. I have TracyDebugger 4.26.45 enabled. 

Very recently, php-fpm reports a signal 11 when I have a PHP ParseError (or any other type of error). This causes NGINX to display a "502 Bad Gateway" page. If I disable Tracy Debugger, I see the Fatal Error screen in the browser. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

This was not happening a few weeks ago. Before, I would see the Tracy Debugger bluescreen displaying the error.

I have tried the following but still have the problem:

  • increasing the Tracy Debugger "Reserved memory size"
  • disabling opcache
  • increasing the php-fpm memory limit
  • using previous versions of Tracy Debugger

Any help would be appreciated.


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