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Release: Track user clicks and generate Heatmap


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my very first Processwire module, so please give any feedback possible about the code.

Ported from my actual project, maybe its usefull for someone.

Main code for tracking based on the clickHeat Project by labsmedia, generated Heatmaps via heatmap.js

What it does:

Tracking clicks of your visitors

Generate a list in admin backend of tracked sites

Generate a Visual Heatmap of the tracked clicks.


processwire 2.3

jQuery 1.9

a folder in /assets/logs/clicks with write permission

I don´t have a git repo, I´m sorry.


copy the Folder Heatmap to your site/modules folder.

Install the Module: WireDataHeatmap

Install the Module: ProcessListHeatmaps

Go to your template admin and assign to every template you wish to make trackable the checkbox field track_heatmap

Now check this field on every page you wish to be tracked.

Known bugs so far:

x coordinates about 40px too far in the right.

Will fix this issue the next days.

Screener and .zip

//EDIT 2013/03/16

Roadmap (everybody needs a tiny roadmap ;) )

- change click save from file to database via $page->save()

- tidy up the code! -- *almost

- segmentation via date range

.... learn git?

//EDIT 2013/03/17

New Version 0.0.2

Changed saving clicks to files into $page->fieldtype->textarea

worked on heatmap calculus... still not working properly, bit too much offset left.

trying to fix this problem :-/

update instructions:

uninstall old module

delete old module files

copy folder heatmap to your modules folder and install both new modules.

Now add field "track_heatmap" to every template you wish to provide tracking function.

Now just check the field on every page you need to be tracked.

The module adds his data container to every tracked page after the first registered click.

//EDIT 2013/03/18

New Version 0.0.3

little improvement to visualized data.

Heatmaps not yet accurate on fluid layouts, some clicks need some browser resizing to match the correct position

Updated the attached .zip



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thank you, will change this with the next fix.

I did this module yesterday evening and wanted to share it,so excuse me for this :)


I hope it works ^^


I noticed a bug with the x coords in version 0.0.1.

If browser size of tracked user is smaller than yours, the calculation adds bit too much left offset.

Will try to fix this issue in the next update.

In nearly future I combine this module with a whole tracking suite based on piwik data.

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Awesome module, really like the idea of heatmaps, a while ago I paid good money to see what happened on my site.

Now piwik has a standard overlay feature, showing even percentages for the clicks, and now this again...

When are the good things ever going to stop?

Thanks Luis for your work, will try on a site after the weekend.

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another bug:

one function relies on the same $_GET as page-save() in admin.

If you edit a field with heatmap module activated you get a blank page, but your data are saved.

I fixed this bug and will release version 0.0.2 in the next days.

Version 0.0.2 does not longer save clicks in files, it now saves clicks in textfield.

Which makes heatmap generation a lot faster.

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