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[Solved] Strange path or missed I something?


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I am a PW newbie and try to install RockMigrations. What I did until now:

  1. Fresh PW install.
  2. I pointed to Baumrocks RockMigration repo on github.
  3. There I clicked on Code, downloaded the main as zip.
  4. Then I extracted the zip, changed the folders name to RockMigrations and compressed it as Zip again.
  5. Then I uploaded it to PW (yes, debug and upload permitted;-).

Everything seems to be ok, I can install Rock Migrations within PW and by doing that MagicPages and the RockMigrationsGUI modules are also installed.

My system realesed this warning message:

"InputfieldTinyMCETools: settingsFile - File does not exist - /SERVERPATH/site/modules/RockMigrations/TinyMCE/simple.json"

out that all is installed in


and for RockMigrations not as expected in


Does anyone have a hint for me? Thank you in advance. 

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  • olivetree changed the title to [Solved] Strange path or missed I something?

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