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Here's a site from someone new to ProcessWire. I've been developing with PHP and WordPress for donkeys years, but decided to try building a site with PW to see if it might be a better platform choice for the kind of sites and apps I build these days. Spoiler alert: it is.


I'm not holding this site up as any kind of design example - it's a really, really basic hobby blog. What's more important to me is that I managed to build it from scratch in PW (previously it was a WordPress site) in about 20 hours, starting with zero PW experience, and my templates folder is really tidy with just a few small, well-structured PHP files. And that 20 hours includes sorting out the RSS feed, the XML sitemap, the SEO, etc etc.

So my reason for posting is really to say that I found the PW architecture and methodology instantly comfortable and intuitive, and PW is going to be the first platform I consider for most future builds. It fits with my "hate visual builders, love coding" methodology, and I aim to get the ProFields Repeater Matrix module, since Advanced Custom Fields Pro's flexible content field has been at the core of all my WordPress sites for ages.

Site details: I started with a clean install of PW 3.0.229 and the "site-simple-blog" site profile by tcnet, which I proceeded to completely rip apart and rebuild as part of the learning process. Non-core modules installed are SeoMaestro and ProcessPageViewStat, nothing else.

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A little postscript to this thread... 

Though I'm loving ProcessWire, I don't love any of the core admin themes. I like restful colours that don't scream at you but I also don't like plain white with no differentiation between functional screen areas. I discovered AdminStyleRock and its customisation possibilities, and with about 30 minutes' work I now have a rather nice Nord Light admin theme as you can see. I've attached my admin.less file (I hope attaching a .less file works!) and anyone interested can follow the instructions at the top of the file.




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