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Fluency Translator Plugin is not working


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We added the Fluency Module and installed it in our ProcessWire setup.

We have two languages: Default and Tamil.

We are using the "Google Cloud Translation" engine in the Fluency Module and have added the Google Cloud API key. However, we are seeing the following message:

"ProcessWire: The translation service is not available, please try again later."

(Please find the attachments below.)

Could you please suggest how to proceed further?




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@SIERRA Hey there- I missed this because I wasn't tagged and it wasn't posted under the Fluency support thread.

That message indicates that the Fluency module attempted to connect to the translation service API but was not able to get a response, or there was an unexpected response from Google. Can you check the entries in Setup > Logs > fluency-engine and see if there are any details you can share?

Fluency requires that curl be installed to make API calls, can you confirm that it's configured on your server?

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@SIERRA I'm having difficulty replicating. I just set up translation using Google Cloud Translation from scratch and it worked. Here are the steps I took:

  1. Create a new Google Cloud API key using these steps.
  2. Enabled the Cloud Translation API in Google Console at https://console.cloud.google.com using these steps. The only required steps are located under these headings:
    1. Create or select a project
    2. Enable billing
    3. Enabling the API
  3. Ensure that your API key is authorized to use Google Cloud Translation


You do not need to set up OAuth to use Fluency. Only an API key that has permission to use Cloud Translation.

Fluency can only show/log the errors that are provided so, unfortunately, receiving a response from the Google API with no message doesn't help with troubleshooting. The Google Translation Engine in Fluency handles errors according to their API spec and, in the event of an error, expects one of the following Google response error codes:


If none of these codes is returned, Fluency falls back to unavailable which provides that vague log entry with an empty message because Google didn't actually return an error message.

If you can walk through the steps above you should be able to get up and running. Also double check that your billing is properly set up. IIRC, it's necessary to have billing configured even if you are planning to stay within your free monthly allocation of API services use.

I'm not sure what to do beyond that, but let me know if this helps!

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@FireWire Thanks for your information.

We have a few queries regarding Cloud Translation API pricing and translation for our website.

  1. We have approximately 400,000 to 500,000 words. Currently, we are looking to translate the site into Tamil. Please find the attachment and suggest which pricing option would suit us.
  2. Does the Cloud Translation API offer a one-time purchase option for translating the entire website? If yes, could you kindly provide details regarding this option?
  3. Additionally, if we enable the Cloud Translation API for the first month, will the translated content remain accessible if we disable the Cloud Translation API after the first month?
  4. How many words can we do translation freely using Cloud Translation API.
  5. Lastly, is there an option for manual translation?


Edited by SIERRA
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