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Displaying Pages depining on language

Marcel Koch

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Hi Marcel,

I assume you mean a navigation somewhere in the frontend?

If you have the newest Pw dev version, you could add this to your selector:


This should exclude pages that have no title set in the current language.

Another possibility is to create additional checkboxes to indicate if a page is really published in language xy

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Check out this thread: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2824-dont-substitute-default-language/

There was a little bug but it should be fixed now by ryan - haven't had time to test it yet.

The latest dev will become ProcessWire 2.3 very soon and is already "stable". I'm using it since months

and had no issue, so my advice is: Update to the latest dev :)

You can see some of the new features of 2.3 here: http://processwire.com/about/news/feb-2013/


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