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Getting weird errors non-stop!


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Not sure why nothing was changed on the site but today when I logged in my admin I'm getting several errors non-stop and they are weird wordpress looking errors, what is happening? I don't have any wordpress site installed on the server at all. Where are those errors coming from? Any ideas. The site and admin are working normaly as it seems, just errors are here all the time.

Im posting gif to see what I mean.


Any Ideas what is happening here?

Thank you


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A Bot tried to access your - not having - WordPress installation. Most likely to hack it in.

The 404 message in the admin should come from a 3rd-party module. In a standard ProcessWire installation, you don't get this error "bomb".

It even tried some Plugins... so it is a attack. If a bot or a script kid is hard to tell for me.

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40 minutes ago, Denis Schultz said:

A Bot tried to access your - not having - WordPress installation. Most likely to hack it in.

The 404 message in the admin should come from a 3rd-party module. In a standard ProcessWire installation, you don't get this error "bomb".

It even tried some Plugins... so it is a attack. If a bot or a script kid is hard to tell for me.

Hmm, never seen this in PW before. ...  It stoped after half an hour, I updated everything to the latest version and now it seems that it is gone. I hope this is it.

Thank you


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It has nothing "direct" to do with ProcessWire. You never see it before, because a 404 (page not found) should hit relative rare from a user visit on your Website. Here it was a bot (or a script from someone) who visit your site and tried to find a leak in WordPress and other common Web-Apps.

It stopped because the bot/script was finish "scanning".

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@Roych That's coming from the SystemNotifications module because it has the "Active automatic notification hooks > 404 page not found" option enabled in its module configuration. I would recommend uninstalling the SystemNotifications module (Modules > Wire > System), as it's not needed and adds some overhead to your admin. But if you find you do need it for something, then you could disable that 404 option in the module config. As for those 404s, those are very common and many sites get thousands of them a day. They aren't a cause for concern unless you are running a non-updated WordPress or something. But even without WP, they are a nuisance and consume server resources unnecessarily, so if you want to block them the ProDevTools Request Blocker module does a good job of it. 

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