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Denis Schultz

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Everything posted by Denis Schultz

  1. Yes that is what i mean. But the Analytic code is not loaded until the user is accepting the cookie. In this time, the Cookie Banner is loaded without the Google code and the "above the fold" content is also loaded without it. The Google code should be there 2-5 rows (w/o compression) as Plain-Text, but not as processed code from the browser. So there was no "loading". When the GoogleAnalytic Code is written in the FrontEnd files, there is also no ProcessWire field, who was/wasn't loaded it. So no database interaction, no server process time used for it. And not process by the browser until the cookie banner give the signal. If the GoogleAnalytic Code comes completely from a module and is not self wrote in the source code, then yes, the loading of the site trigger the module to load the GoogleAnalytic code (not the trigger itself), but the loading "delay" can be prevented with the template-cache again. The "loading" part are 5(?) rows of plain-text, what the browser is not interacted with, until the cookie banner say so. When you use PageSpeed, 90% of the performance problems are bad compressed image, not lazy loading (what is more or less what you describe!) and using of wrong technics (like not optimized above the fold content).
  2. For me, that is optimizing "above the fold content" and delay/lazy loading after that. So the first impression is fast and everything else the user is not seeing is loading in the background or when the user is near to it. For the fields loading... i use (template-) cache on potential landing page such as the homepage/start page. So I doubt it would benefit performance when (ProcessWire-) fields are selective loaded. Even more when you go the ProCache route. For the user, it is more important what you do via the FrontEnd code with it. How you handle defer/lazy loading and co. For GoogleAnalytics, here in the EU, you need conformation of the user, before you transfer data to Google. So it does not trigger until the user accept it. So I look that my cookie banner is using CriticalCSS (The css rules in the style tag in the document's head) as also elements where are "above the fold". Everything else is coming after that and the user don't have to wait for elements to load, they direct can see in the beginning. PageSpeed/Lighthouse (https://pagespeed.web.dev/) is testing this and give indication, where you can optimize.
  3. @erikvanberkumLook about the $config->sessionFingerprint options. To set in the /site/config.php file.
  4. Jep Firefox is looking automatic for a favicon file if it is not provided in <head> section.
  5. I tried jan, it is interesting, because it allows you to use different LLM (also the OpenAI ones). I use Mistral Instruction 7B Q4 for this: (The code blocks have a copy to clipboard button on hover, so you get it fast to an editor of your choice... )
  6. Any plans to switch to the maintained fork: https://github.com/adminerevo/adminerevo ?
  7. On "natural" textfields, processwire don't add anything. The Rich Text editor like TinyMCE add code, because it is in the end a WYSIWYG-Editor. But as an example, when the first line of my TinyMCE field is a headline, it doesn't add a p-Tag before this. It begins with the headline tag. As it should. And even not add any p-tag when the headline is the only thing in my textbox. HannaCode add a p-Tag around the output, you can deactivate this behaviour on the edit dialogue of the HannaCode self. Aside from the option above, a autoclose behaviour can come from TinyMCE or from your browser, when it thinks a p-tag is open but should be closed, before a block-element (like div's).
  8. On Android I can replicate the error with the share of the kollar site in WhatsApp. But not on other sites were also using jpeg (also with e). Maybe the point in the filename irritated android?
  9. I don't say i knew it better ^^ - But as a base point.... In my opinion, the really not so good part is the dropdown. The points 2 and 3 can easily be confused with 4 and 5. Aside from that, I think the approach with the clone in the storage and then add the paste link where you add your blocks is (again, in my opinion) straight forward.
  10. How about it is done by the RepeaterMatrix. You can copy/clone a block: A Dropdown come up (in my case in German) Copy this element in the storage to insert somewhere else Clone element and paste it over this (selected/clicked) element same as 2 but paste it behind is there when an element is in the storage and you want to paste it above same as 4 but paste behind Empty the sorage And then you get on all Fields (same Page and other Pages with this field), the option to paste it in: I think there is potential to optimize it. But i think it is a good starting point. Especial for people who come from the RepeaterMatrix.
  11. @ryan I came across this forum post, after i searched for unique fields. In 3.0.236 there is, for me, still only the email field who has the unique option in the advanced tab. Was the idea abandoned for text and int fields?
  12. Wow so much to discover from.... also some little things. I wanted to ask how some here deal with repeated translation strings, and then I got my answer in this site profile ^^ Thank you for sharing!
  13. As a note here: https://blog.jquery.com/2024/02/06/jquery-4-0-0-beta/ "Totgesagte leben länger" (those who were declared dead live longer) There also cut some old dependency. Maybe an interesting development.
  14. I don't know if it belongs here, but i installed .5 and get some log with markup error in the log view, where the html notation gets showed in the url col (and the link is also broken): Aside from that, everything is smooth. I was too slow for testing with .4 and your check 😉
  15. I had it on two installation in the past (Nov/Dez timeframe). But then not more. Both had RockMigrations, one had RockFronted - but they didn't had/have RockPageBuilder.
  16. I had the same issue and fixed it in the same way last year - i thought i changed the setting and was responsive for it - so i didn't report it.
  17. Ho, is it possible to config that (for example) the db:pull command will use a ssh-key file and the place would be configurable via the $config options? I mean, i know it can't use my ssh-agent on the host, but it would help in a team env, where you add the keys of the dev's in the authorization file on the server. Never mind, the answer is to load the .ssh in the ddev container... (from the ddev manual) If you use SSH inside the container and want to use your .ssh/config, consider mkdir -p ~/.ddev/homeadditions/.ssh && ln -s ~/.ssh/config ~/.ddev/homeadditions/.ssh/config. Some people will be able to symlink their entire .ssh directory, ln -s ~/.ssh ~/.ddev/homeadditions/.ssh. If you provide your own .ssh/config though, please make sure it includes these lines: UserKnownHostsFile=/home/.ssh-agent/known_hosts StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new The option can set global, like above in ~/.ddev or per project projectFolder/.ddev
  18. Hi, when I use the frontend editing, I have the problem that the editor menu-/symbol-bar are not on top of the text above. When I try to use the symbols over the text above, it will frontend edit the text above. Also, changing the text field to "normal" editor do not change that behavior - because in frontend edit, it always seems "inline". The solution for me was to add .tox-tinymce { z-index: 99; } to solve the issue. But this css come from the core and not from the module RockPageBuilder. So for the moment, I put this rule in my _main.php via the <style>-tag in the <head>, with an if statement (only render when user with edit access are on the frontend). Is it something that has to be "corrected" on upstream (the core inputfield), by the module, or did my frontend dev something that mess about it in the first place? PS: Also, I'm little unsure if this post belongs more in RockFrontend Forum?
  19. yes. Without problems. On which Processwire version are you?
  20. It has nothing "direct" to do with ProcessWire. You never see it before, because a 404 (page not found) should hit relative rare from a user visit on your Website. Here it was a bot (or a script from someone) who visit your site and tried to find a leak in WordPress and other common Web-Apps. It stopped because the bot/script was finish "scanning".
  21. A Bot tried to access your - not having - WordPress installation. Most likely to hack it in. The 404 message in the admin should come from a 3rd-party module. In a standard ProcessWire installation, you don't get this error "bomb". It even tried some Plugins... so it is a attack. If a bot or a script kid is hard to tell for me.
  22. After 4 years, it should be okay in my opinion. All my E-Commerce are on 8.x. I personal see no reason for 7.4. Since SnipCart self is again awake in developing, maybe a major version bump on the module side for a chance to cut old branches?
  23. yep. You set the header of the return package. The next line is from my snippet...
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