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Issues with admin theme and #'s


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There's some issues with floated elements in widget content (already mentioned this couple times)

1. I have two floated buttons and I need to hack the container to be able to avoid collapsing.

2. When floating the inputfield buttons, the margin on the button is adding and you see the background color when hovering, instead the margin should be on the wrapping <a>.

So simply doing this in my css to float the buttons

#MC_NewsletterPreview div a {
    float: left;

And get this:


Instead I have to do this to fix both issues with it, which is not really nice. Overflow hidden on container is a solution I would avoid.

#MC_NewsletterPreview div a {
    float: left;
    margin: 0 1em 0 0; /* add margin */
#MC_NewsletterPreview .ui-widget-content .ui-button{
    margin: 0 0 0 0; /* fix hover background color issue */
#MC_NewsletterPreview .ui-widget-content{
    overflow: hidden; /* fix floated content issue */

To get this



Last but not least. When I have a inputfield "title" it adds an #title id to it. But the admin page when editing a page has already a #title for the page title above form. This should be changed to something like "#pw_title" to avoid issues.

Stupid me, I just have to set a different ID, forgot it's not set by PW but by my code. So not a real problem just something to keep in mind.


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Soma, I'm not totally sure I understand just because I've not seen buttons look like that before. I could probably figure it out by digging a little deeper in the code, but I'm trying to get through a large queue of messages in a short amount of time (they dont' give me much on the weekend!). :) If there's a code change you think would be worthwhile in the core CSS, let me know what to change (post code here or pull request, etc), and I'll make it. 

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