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Using JqueryWireTabs in my module, how?


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So, I've tried what Wanze suggested above.

Ah the config object from Pw is missing.

Can you add this line of javascript anywhere before you include the JqueryWireTabs.js

var config = {};
/* If it's not working, try adding the following line too */
config.JqueryWireTabs.rememberTabs = 1;

And I got this error.

  1. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'rememberTabs' of undefined localhost:31
    1. (anonymous function)localhost:31
  1. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'rememberTabs' of undefined JqueryWireTabs.js:13
    1. $.fn.WireTabsJqueryWireTabs.js:13
    2. (anonymous function)main.js:4
    3. p.fireWithjquery.min.js:3
    4. b.extend.readyjquery.min.js:3
    5. H
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	if($("#youtube_wrapper").size()) { 
			items: $("#overview_wrapper, #upload_wrapper"),
			id: 'tabs',
			rememberTabs: 1

Should work I think

Thanks for your fast reply I've tried it but unfortunately it doesn't work...

Are you sure this is the only thing I need to add? 

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I tried it out and It doesnt seem to work as I expected... Because the thing is if i change the object from an InputfieldWrapper to an IputfieldForm it acctually works as expected but in that case I can't create my form WITHIN the form without the code being a dick.

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You could either just wrap the whole in a form, don't see any problems to do so even if the form fields are just in one tab.

Have a separate process executeUpload() where you build the from.. and have a button with the href ="upload/".

Or simply add a wrapper yourself (You can't just use InputfieldWrapper as a main wrapper with a ID, or I don't know how because it's not for such purposes) and use a main IntpufieldWrapper to render the wrappers...

In a process module execute

$wrapperMain = new InputfieldWrapper();
//...add all tab wrapper to the main.
return "<div id='MyTabs'>" . $wrapperMain->render() . "</div>";

Then the js would be as simple as

    $t = $("#MyTabs");
    $t.find("script").remove(); // to avoid double script execution
        items: $("#MyTabs > .Inputfields > .InputfieldWrapper"),
        id: 'ProcessExampleTabs'
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  • 1 month later...

I love you Soma :)

Here's a more detailed example - again, this code needs to go in a Process module

public function execute() {
        // This is our outer wrapper
        $outerWrapper = new InputfieldWrapper();
        // This will be our first tab
        $tabOne = new InputfieldWrapper();
        $tabOne->attr('title', 'Tab 1');
        // I'm using InputfieldMarkup as I just want to output HTML - could be a form, some fields etc, but since I only just realised what InputfieldMarkup actually does (d'oh!) I'm going to use it lots!
        $markup = $this->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup');
        $markup->attr('value', "And I'd have gotten away with it...");
        // Append the markup to tab one
        // Append this tab to the outer wrapper
        // Here's another tab
        $tabTwo = new InputfieldWrapper();
        $tabTwo->attr('title', 'Tab 2');
        $markup = $this->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup');
        $markup->attr('value', "...if it wasn't for those pesky kids!");
        return "<div id='MyTabs'>" . $outerWrapper->render() . "</div>";

And again, you need Soma's JS in your module's JS file:

    $t = $("#MyTabs");
    $t.find("script").remove(); // to avoid double script execution
        items: $("#MyTabs > .Inputfields > .InputfieldWrapper"),
        id: 'ProcessExampleTabs'

Lovely job :)

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  • 1 year later...

@Pete - I'm using your method with my new module, but it's applying padding when using the default admin theme:


If I remove the margin from #MyTabs > .InputfieldContent, the result is:


Am I doing it wrong?

Reno theme works perfectly. As does Apertus. Modesta doesn't, but I'm not worried about that.

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