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Link instead of input in Admin


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// site/ready.php
$wire->addHookAfter("Inputfield::render", function($event) {
  $field = $event->object;
  if($field->name !== "yourfield") return;
  $event->return = "<a href='foo/bar'>Your link</a>";

You could use one of the Runtime Markup Inputfields or something like the hook above (untested - just an example to get you started).

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41 minutes ago, bernhard said:

// site/ready.php
$wire->addHookAfter("Inputfield::render", function($event) {
  $field = $event->object;
  if($field->name !== "yourfield") return;
  $event->return = "<a href='foo/bar'>Your link</a>";

You could use one of the Runtime Markup Inputfields or something like the hook above (untested - just an example to get you started).

Hi @bernhard and thanks. This would work perfectly in a textfield but unfortunately I have these fields inside a Profields: Textareas and Profields: Table. How can I hook them?

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From the looks of the source, at least Profields table doesn't seem to be very hookable at that detail (it's creating the markup concatenating strings), you could only hook on the inputfield render method and that includes the whole markup for the table field. I'd try with some custom javascript.

Textareas does seem to trigger the Inputfield render method, so I'd give it a shot with @bernhard's hook. 

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This is an example of something I do with Profields Table for replacing Twilio message and error codes with links to the entry in the logs on the Twilio site. You should be able to adapt to your needs.

// link SID and error code columns in User message tables to the Twilio log entry
$this->wire()->addHookAfter('InputfieldTable::render', function($event) {

    if(!in_array($event->object->name, array('received_messages', 'incoming_messages', 'queued_messages', 'undelivered_messages', 'failed_messages'))) return;

    $text = $event->return;
    if(preg_match_all("/<td>(S|M)M(.*?)<\/td>/", $text, $matches)) {
        foreach($matches[0] as $match) {
            $sid = str_replace(array('<td>', '</td>'), '', $match);
            $text = str_replace($match, '<td><a href="https://www.twilio.com/console/sms/logs/'.$sid.'">'.$sid.'</a></td>', $text);
    if(preg_match_all("/<td>([0-9]{1,})<\/td>/", $text, $matches)) {
        foreach($matches[0] as $match) {
            $errCode = str_replace(array('<td>', '</td>'), '', $match);
            $text = str_replace($match, '<td><a href="https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/errors/'.$errCode.'">'.$errCode.'</a></td>', $text);
    $event->return = $text;



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21 hours ago, nabo said:

This would work perfectly in a textfield but unfortunately I have these fields inside a Profields: Textareas and Profields: Table.

Sorry, obviously I missed that info ? I don't know how complex your field output is, but you could nonetheless use my hook and recreate the complete output. Maybe that could even improve your UI.. Just to throw in an idea without knowing your scenario.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@nabo - I just did some cleanup of that code and was actually also needing to link URLs, so I just use this:

        $text = preg_replace('/(<td>)(http(.*?))(<\/td>)/', '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$4', $text);

which is obviously much cleaner than the preg_match_all approach - I think I must have been in a rush last time and not thinking properly ?

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