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Is it possible to hook into PageImages?


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I was wondering if it was possible to hook before PageImages url is given, so I can provide a default image if an image is missing? I have about a hundred cases where I need to check for count($page->image), so I thought maybe a module could do this?



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Not an easy one, as url isn't hookable in this case. And it also wouldn't be the right place. Since if there's no image ... $page->image will not be an object to start with.

But you could make a module function that you use to output images and do your checks there and return a blank.jpg or whatever if there's no image(s).

// autoload module

public function init(){
  // add 
  $this->page->addHook("renderImage", $this, "renderImage");
public function renderImage($event){
  $page = $event->object();
  $imagefield = $event->arguments[0];
  if($page->template == "admin") return;
  if($page->$imagefield) return "<img src='{$page->$imagefield->url}'/>";
  return "<img src='{$this->config->urls->templates}img/noimage.gif'/>";

Then use it

echo $page->renderImage("image");

Or just use an include function.php, as Ryan suggested in the other thread to do such things.

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