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How to debug real request from remote server.


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I have a module that listening for webhook notification on specific URL:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

class ProcessPayments extends WireData implements Module, ConfigurableModule
	public function init()
		$this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageView::execute', $this, 'runPayments');

	public function ready() {


	public function runPayments($event)
		$it = isset($_GET['it']) ? $_GET['it'] : "";
		if (substr($it, 0, 1) === '/') $it = ltrim($it, "/");
		if (strpos($it, "webhooks/") !== false) {
		} else {

		switch ($it) {
			case 'webhooks/pay':

	private function checkRequest()
		return true;


Currently, for debugging real request from a remote server I use logs, but this is so inconvenient and slow after using dumps from TracyDebugger ( @adrian  is there something in TracyDebugger that can help? ). 

So looking for advice about how to debug such request, are there some tools for it? 

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@bernhard @adrian Wow, tracy's Request Logger Panel is what I was looking for and it works great with standard pages. 

But I have difficulties in getting it to work in my case.

As you could see I hooking into 'before' ProcessPageView::execute in 'init' stage and I don't have any page or template for this URL, so there is no page object available and I can't use  $this->wire('page')->logRequests();


That's all that I have from Tracy.

Am I missing something? 


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Yes, I can't move it to ready as I need to change the output depending on an incoming request.

Basically, I have to return {'code': 0} if I have a valid incoming request and on ready stage, I already have rendered 404 page.

Maybe there is a better place for a hook? 

I have changed ProcessPageView::execute to ProcessPageView::ready and now everything works. Thank for the help, TracyDebugger and Logger panel! 

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