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render children

Roberts R

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As im statring to use

$config->useMarkupRegions = true;

I'm starting to run in things I can't figure out.

In body field I have hanna code inserted that renders some of children and children have template.  When rendering children they include

$config->prependTemplateFile = '_init.php';
$config->appendTemplateFile = '_main.php';

for all rendered children.

Is there a way to render without them?

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Sorry, I don't get your question. What is your exact setup, what is the problem? What is your hanna code? Why do the children prepend + append the template file and why is that not placed in the config.php file?

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Ok let me try again.

My config file :

$config->useMarkupRegions = true;
$config->prependTemplateFile = '_init.php';
$config->appendTemplateFile = '_main.php';

Child template in ./templates/child.php

<div class="child">
    <div class="image" style="background-image:url('<?=$page->backgroundImage->url?>')"></div>
    <div class="description">
        <div class="price">CHF <?=$page->price?>.-</div>

Hanna code :

<?php foreach ($page->children('template=child') as $child) {
 echo $child->render();
} ?>

parent template is just :

<main pw-replace="main">


And question is how do render child without "_init.php" and "_main.php"?



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You can send an $options array with the render method and use that in child.php

So in your Hanna code

echo $child->render(array("useMain" => false));

Then in child.php before your other markup

<? if(isset($options['useMain'])) $useMain = $options['useMain']; // this will give you false when rendered from Hanna code ?>

and somewhere in the top area of your  your _main.php

<? if(isset($useMain) && !$useMain) return; ?>

This will take care of not rendering _main.php

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7 minutes ago, gebeer said:

You can send an $options array with the render method and use that in child.php

So in your Hanna code

echo $child->render(array("useMain" => false));

Then in child.php before your other markup

<? if(isset($options['useMain'])) $useMain = $options['useMain']; // this will give you false when rendered from Hanna code ?>

and somewhere in the top area of your  your _main.php

<? if(isset($useMain) && !$useMain) return; ?>

This will take care of not rendering _main.php

Ah this is what I can use when running Ajax (last part). Thank you as well.

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ProcessWire is a lot more than just the API. Lots of hidden treasures inside the /wire folder - just have a look and see the comments in all those files.

1 minute ago, Roberts R said:

Ah this is what I can use when running Ajax (last part). Thank you as well.

if($config->ajax == true) {
	// do ajax stuff


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There are also specific elements within the $page->render() $options array for prependFile and appendFile, see here.

So you can do:

foreach($page->children('template=child') as $child) {
    echo $child->render(['prependFile' => null, 'appendFile' => null]);


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