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Set field attributes via API


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I'm trying to set an checkbox in the user template to disabled via the API.

Tried this:


Results in:

Fatal error: Call to a member function attr() on a non-object

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I think you have to apply the disabled attribute just prior to rendering in the GUI, so a module doing this in its init()...

$this->addHookBefore('Inputfield::render', $this, 'myHook' );

And then having this...

protected function myHook(HookEvent $event)
if( 'FieldNameYouWantDisabled'' === $event->object->name )
 $event->object->attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );

...should be enough.

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I would probably set the visibility of that field to "not shown in editor". Rather than have your hook try to adjust attributes of a field, just have it display a message:

if($page->your_checkbox) $this->message("User is logged in"); 
  else $this->message("User is NOT logged in."); 
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