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Sort by repeater count


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I'm having trouble with sorting by repeater count. We have awards given to each work and the awards are in a repeater. Doing "sort=-awards.count"

However it isn't working. Anyone got any ideas?


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Don't know if it should be possible to do this or not, but one workaround might be to have a field on the page to hold the count, and update it automatically on page save. You can set the field (say awards_count) to not show in the admin, so it will only be maintained by a simple hook function. It's really easy to do...

Add a new field awards_count to the appropriate template (I'll assume work based on your question) and set it to not show in the admin (Admin > Fields > awards_count > Input > Visibility > Hidden (not shown in the editor)

Add a hook in /site/templates/admin.php something like this

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

 * Admin template just loads the admin application controller,
 * and admin is just an application built on top of ProcessWire.
 * This demonstrates how you can use ProcessWire as a front-end
 * to another application.
 * Feel free to hook admin-specific functionality from this file,
 * but remember to leave the require() statement below at the end.

 $pages->addHook('saveReady', function($event) {
   $pages = $event->object;
   $page = $event->arguments(0);
   if($page->template == 'work') {
     $page->awards_count = $page->awards->count();

require($config->paths->adminTemplates . 'controller.php');

And that should do it! Then you can do sort=-awards_count using the new field instead of the count property.

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12 hours ago, Tom. said:

I'm having trouble with sorting by repeater count.

I can confirm that sorting by repeater count does not work. Seems like a bug to me, considering that it's possible to sort by Page Reference count and PageTable count and those are quite similar fieldtypes. @Tom., maybe open an issue on GitHub?

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