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Odd Repeater Problem


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Hi folks,

I have a production site which has been fine for the first few months but the client is now experiencing an issue with uploading further images to a repeater field. I've replicated the problem myself and get the same result. They have uploaded the first 9 items but can't upload the 10th and beyond.

The repeater field uses an image uploader then two text fields for each item to form an image gallery. We have 9 items uploaded with no problem but when we try and a 10th (and 11th etc.) the image gets uploaded OK on editing but when we go to save the page (and the admin page refreshes) the the image is gone leaving just the text fields populated and the text 'No file chosen' next to the image upload button.

One thing I have noticed when looking at the site/assets/files directory folder is the last image that loaded OK is at ID 1091 and there are already folders at IDs 1092, 1093 etc. I'm not sure how PW issues new IDs but I thought it might be related.

I've used repeaters for these things before (up to 43 items on one site...) but I'm foxed by it here.

Host: Fasthosts Ignite

PW: 2.7.2

Can anyone give me guidance or has anyone seen this on their own sites?


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Hi Tom,

Hey, there are no silly questions here!

I searched and searched the fields and template for a 'max upload' setting but the only one I found was in the sub-field for the image which was set to '1' as I normally do when I need an image to be singular in a field.

However, poking around I also found the 'Overwrite existing files' checkbox in the 'Input' tab of the image field. Checking this seems to have solved the issue. No idea why but I'm not complaining!

Thanks Tom.


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