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Multisite Integrated Navigation


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I'm wondering if anyone else has attempted this before.

I've setup a basic test multisite installation that effectively includes the master site and 3 others subsites using either the basic or intermediate template. I can't remember which and there might even be a mix of both among them, but I don't think that should cause an issue.

What I want to achieve is a Home tab in the navigation menu on each of the subsites that links directly to the Home page of the master site. Is it possible to do that within the processwire admin or is it something that is going to have to be hardcoded into the template file. If the latter, do I go about that as I cannot see anything that appears to relate to the navigation in each of the site directories.

i.e. Is it possible to add a menu item to the left of the subsite "Home" page now named About that is simply a link named "Home" that redirects to the Home page of the master website?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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Adding the following code:

		echo "<li><a href='http://www.example.com/'>Home</a></li>";


	<!-- top navigation -->
	<ul class='topnav'><?php 

In the _head.php file and the _main.php files achieves the desired effect by directly editing the template files.

Is there a way to achieve the same result from within processwire admin?


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