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Forgot password code results in page timeout


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I have tried each of these 3 snippets. The same result, both on localhost dev environment and DigitalOcean live server.

    $admin = $users->get('organizedfellow');
    $admin->pass = 'PA55W0RD';

    $u = $users->get('organizedfellow');
    $u->pass = 'PA55W0RD';

    $users->get("organizedfellow")->setOutputFormatting(false)->set('pass', 'PA55W0RD')->save();

Using PW 2.7.2.

The page freezes and does not load. When I remove the code, it loads normally.


Is there a new method of resetting password?

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3 minutes ago, Robin S said:

Maybe your new password does not meet the minimum security requirements for the field? Not sure if that could cause a timeout - you'd think there would be some error notice.

I wasn't aware of that requirement.


My password contains uppercase and lowercase letters and 1 number.

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