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How can I turn off the default descriptions of URL and email fieldtypes?


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First world problem I know, but it's annoying me that some fieldtype stick out. See below. If I try to put a spacebar in the field, it's height is still not the same as the others.

Thx in advance for any suggestions to solve this.


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These are floated blocks rather than a table, so the height of one doesn't affect the others. Though I wish it did. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I was using a table for layout here. :) Perhaps we can use a little JS to make them consistent in height when in the same row. Though, it's a bit of a questionable thing to do because fields aren't fixed height and may adjust dynamically as needed (like multi page reference inputs for instance).

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Ryan, he means the default URL description text. Which is nice, but if you enter a space in the description there will be still a space above the input text field. I figured that adding in a 0 (zero) will ommit it completely, thus no space anymore.

I think there should be the default text in the field description, or none at all. So you can input or leave it empty, without asking anyone. :)

AS for the other problem of field heights. It's annoying and I started a js script that would set all (in one row) to the height of the highest. Unfortunately it's more of a bad hack to something that should be possible in browsers since a decade (imho) and will fail for the reason you mention. Maybe we will find some solution here that works better.

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  On 5/31/2012 at 4:44 PM, Soma said:

Ryan, he means the default URL description text. Which is nice, but if you enter a space in the description there will be still a space above the input text field. I figured that adding in a 0 (zero) will ommit it completely, thus no space anymore.

Thanks Soma, that was a solution what I was hoping for. For me it was not a dealbreaker that they are not the same height, because I can add or remove all descriptions of the same row. But for emails and urls I didn't have a choice.

  On 5/31/2012 at 4:44 PM, Soma said:

I think there should be the default text in the field description, or none at all. So you can input or leave it empty, without asking anyone. :)

Agree! +1

Thankyou all for the replies.

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@Ryan: Which browsers does PW actually support? There might be a solution without JS. And another related suggestion: AFAIR fieldsets are not floatable, but that would come in handy for arranging multiple floats. Perhaps a suggestion for a next version update. Will also take look, I really love the flexibility of the admin but there is always something more to achieve ;-)

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PW should support all current generation browsers: FF, Webkit, IE9 (and IE8 for the most part). I don't see any prob with supporting floatable fieldsets (I'd forgotten we didn't already), so will plan to make any needed updates to support that.

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