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Long-click modal actions


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The time for triggering the Long-click modal actions (introduced in PW 3.0.9) should be slightly longer to avoid erraneously opening a modal window. Some editor users (who normally don't use it) get irritated when the reaction to their "short" click is unusual.

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$.longclick.duration is set in /wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryCore/jquery.longclick.js (and it's minified version!) at line 61, so you could change the value there, but this is not recommended since core update will overwrite your changes.

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You need to set jQuery.longclick.duration to override the default value:

jQuery.longclick.duration = 2000

I'm working on a module that adds JS tweaks to the admin, including some tiny modules/snippets created by me & netcarver, and this now includes this tweak too.

Sneak preview:


As you can see there's room for other tweaks so if you have something to add, please tell.

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Is it necessary to modify both the files jquery.longclick.js and jquery.longclick.min.js?

Alternatively, is it possible to override them (or it) by a modified version located in /site/modules/? What should be the right path?


Looking forward to this module, seems interesting! (No suggestions atm to add, though.)

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Add this to /site/ready.php:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

// modify longclick duration
$page->addHookAfter('render', function ($event) {

    if ($this->page->template != 'admin') return;

    $js = <<< HTML
 $(document).ready(function () {
    if (jQuery && jQuery.longclick) {
        jQuery.longclick.duration = 2000;

    $event->return = str_replace('</body>', $js . PHP_EOL . '</body>', $event->return);
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It's jquery.longclick.min.js at least this is used in my installation. File is minimized and difficult to edit. This is not a recommended path (as I already mentioned), since core upgrade will overwrite your changes. The right path is by using AdminCustomFiles module: install the module, create folder /site/templates/AdminCustomFiles and create the file ProcessPageList.js with something like that:

  jQuery.longclick.duration = 2000;

Note: written in browser and not tested.

Or you could hook on Page::render (in some module or ready.php) and inject the script. Or wait for tpr's module :-)

Edit: tpr beat me :-) fast->faster->tpr

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