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Unrecognized path in Template Edit page


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Hi All,

While editing a template (any template) then if I click the Usage section, there is an error notification Unrecognized path and the process returned no content.

If someone can help give me a clue how to fix this error. I'm not sure what is the cause of this error. 



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I would start by opening the Network tab of your dev console and seeing what the path is - it should be something like:


Take a look at the resonse tab for that request to see what is returned there.

Then try loading that url directly in the browser and see what errors are displayed/logged.

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I open the response tab which is: /pmc-cms/page/lister/?session_bookmark=template_jrn-messages_pages&modal=inline&minimal=1#

Then check to the network console, I got one error the page not found ../wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/styles/blue.css.map

However that file does not exist under that folder

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had this problem, and I believe it's caused by deleting the default lister (aka "Find"), which is something that becomes possible when Lister Pro is installed. If you have done this the solution is to create a new lister called "Lister".

Because the default lister is used by the core it would be better if Lister Pro did not allow you to delete it, but instead made it simple to disable it for non-superuser roles. If you have other Lister Pro instances and you don't want certain roles to see the default lister you have to set up a special permission for the default lister and then not apply it to a role. There's definitely scope to make this process a bit clearer and easier for Lister Pro users.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the instructions on how to fix this issue. I had installed Lister Pro and deleted the Find. Then I got the "unrecognized path" error for the template. Once I recreated the Find page, everything was back to normal. So as of 2/16/2019, on ProcessWire 3.0.101, this is still an issue.

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  • 3 months later...

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