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Admin Search - no unplubished Pages can be searched

Erik Richter

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Hey folks,

If I search for a page that is unpublished it can not be found by using the ajax search in the right corner in admin. 

It can only be found when I am logged in as a Superuser, but not if I am logged in as an Editor (who has page-edit rights!). 

Searching through lister works - but only if I choose to only search unpublished pages; but not via the ajax search at all.

I already looked at the process page search module file and there is a line that allows unpublished pages to be searched if someone has paeg-edit rights, but somehow it does not work at all.

Can someone help?

Thank you so much!

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I would like to take issue with this as well. It’s awkward for non-superusers not to find pages (or other users) they can otherwise reach, and I don’t really see why this restriction is in place by default. It is also not easy to implement a hook to change this behavior, which would be trivial to do the other way around.

I.e. if the “include” parameter weren’t overridden by the Process function, that feature could be retrofitted like so:

wire()->addHookBefore('ProcessPageSearch::executeFor', function($event) {
        wire()->input->get->include = 'hidden';

As well as any other custom restrictions one might need to respect custom roles and permissions.

However, as it is now the restriction is hardcoded into the function and I’m not sure how to modify it in a non-destructive manner.

Are there security reasons for the way it’s currently done?

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