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Stubborn HttpHost

Peter Knight

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Hi guys

I made a copy of a live site (Site A) onto my local development environment to develop Site B.

Anytime I try access siteB:888 I am getting redirected to the live site URL 

This is pretty common and normally I just update the config.php and change the HttpHosts line to the local site but in this case it's not working.

I suspect it's because I have the Config Module installed which references SiteA and is clearly over-riding my site/config.php.

Problem is, I can't access SiteB:8888/processwire to disable it

Is there anywhere else on a file-level where I can reset the HttpHost or anywhere else in the database which I can edit?

My .htaccess doesn't reference SiteA at all so thats not the issue.


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I would take that your first reference was a typo and should have been port 8888 vice 888?

yes - just a typo. Original issue still in effect.

No luck with the cache folder.

I've done the following

  • temporarily renamed /assets/cache
  • disabled ProCache before I copied the files
  • renamed the ProCache folders and pwpc folders (even though they shouldn't matter)
  • looked in htaccess
  • updated the HttpHost in site/config.php
  • checked it was connecting to correct database (shouldn't matter)

Assuming the issue is the ConfigModule, is it ok to manually remove that from the database?

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I've fixed it somehow.

I'm pretty sure this was a result of some aggressive caching in Chrome.

I had the same issue in Safari but it seemed to resolve after a few hard refreshes. Even after I duplicated a different site and database into the folder, I was still being redirected to SiteA.

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