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Does anyone know how to upload a form File threw the api


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I have a site page, outside the admin with a form. The form uploads a file which then needs to be inserted into a pw File field. Is this possible using the processwire api?

if(isset($_POST['title'])) {
   // Process the form
   echo  "processed... <br>";

   $newpage = new Page();
   $newpage->template = $templates->get("upload");
   $newpage->parent = $pages->get("/uploader-test/");  
   $newpage->name = $_POST['title'];
   $newpage->title = $_POST['title'];
   $newpage->file->add( $_POST['upload'] );  // this throws an error  - [color=#000000][font=Times][size=1]Exception: Item added to Pagefiles is not an allowed type (in httpdocs/pw/wire/core/Array.php line 142)[/size][/font][/color]

<h1>Upload file...</h1>
<form action="" method="post"  enctype="multipart/form-data">
 <input name="id" value="<?=$page->id?>" type="hidden">
<tr><td>File:</td> <td><input name="upload" id="upload" type="file"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Title:</td> <td><input type="text" name="title"></td></tr>
 <input type="submit" value="NEXT" class="subbut">
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Just a quick reply from my mobile so I can't type much detail, but your file data will be accessible through $_FILES['upload'] and not $_POST['upload'].

Hope that helps a little, but for more information (such as where your file sits after submitting your form - it will have to be moved from your server's temp upload folder to the field in PW) you should run a quick search for $_FILES on PHP.net

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thanks.. this seems to work....

if(isset($_POST['title'])) {
   $newpage = new Page();
   $newpage->template = $templates->get("upload");
   $newpage->parent = $pages->get("/uploader-test/");
   $newpage->name = $_POST['title'];
   $newpage->title = $_POST['title'];

   $path=$newpage->images->path; // GET THE PATH TO THE UPLOADS FOLDER FOR NEW PAGE
   $name = strtolower($sanitizer->name($_FILES['upload']['name']));	//  RUN THE $NAME THROUGH $SANITIZER TO MAKE IT PW COMPATIBLE...

   if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $file)) { // MOVE THE FILE TO IT'S DESTINATION USING PHP'S FUNCTION
       $newpage->report_request->add($file);	// ADD IT TO THE PAGE
       $newpage->save();	 // SAVE THE PAGE AGAIN
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Had to deal with this prob these days, too. In my opinion, the API should also process the $_FILES var and provide the post files data through $input->files or something within templates etc.

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It would be great to have native pw implementation for file uploads.

Peter: you should definitely do some more validation for the file. At least check for file extension (and match them against whitelist), rename the uploaded file etc.. there are plenty of tutorials for how to secure php file uploads.

You can also first upload file anywhere you want on your server, ->add($file) will do the final copying for you.

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indeed, here is the code with validation

if(isset($_POST['title'])) {
   $newpage = new Page();
   $newpage->template = $templates->get("upload");
   $newpage->parent = $pages->get("/uploader-test/");
   $newpage->name = $_POST['title'];
   $newpage->title = $_POST['title'];

   $path=$newpage->images->path; // GET THE PATH TO THE UPLOADS FOLDER FOR NEW PAGE
   $name = strtolower($sanitizer->name($_FILES['upload']['name'])); // RUN THE $NAME THROUGH $SANITIZER TO MAKE IT PW COMPATIBLE...

   // prepend underscores to filename until it's unique...
   while(is_file($path . $name))
       $name = "_" . $name;

   // validate the file extension
   $pos = strrpos($name, ".");
   if(!$pos) throw new WireException("File is missing extension");
   $ext = substr($name, $pos+1);
   if(!in_array($ext, array('pdf', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png')))
 	  throw new WireException("Invalid extension");


   if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $file)) { // MOVE THE FILE TO IT'S DESTINATION USING PHP'S FUNCTION
       $newpage->report_request->add($file); // ADD IT TO THE PAGE
       $newpage->save(); // SAVE THE PAGE AGAIN
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Good work, glad you got it sorted and thanks for posting your working code - that's always useful :)

If you're posting more code in future though, could you use the code tags button (looks like this in blue: <> ) just makes it a bit easier to read - thanks! I've just tweaked your posts to make it a bit easier to follow for others.

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$newpage->template = $templates->get("upload");
$newpage->parent = $pages->get("/uploader-test/");

You can also do this in newer versions of PW:

$newpage->template = 'upload';
$newpage->parent = '/uploader-test/';
$newpage->name = $_POST['title'];
$newpage->title = $_POST['title'];

I suggest sanitizing the title, and excluding the name (since PW will autogen it from the title). So the above code would be replaced with this:

$newpage->title = $sanitizer->text($input->post->title); 
Had to deal with this prob these days, too. In my opinion, the API should also process the $_FILES var and provide the post files data through $input->files or something within templates etc.

Here is the current PW implementation for uploaded files. Perhaps there is a way we can populate this to $input->files, but currently I think it's best to be more specific when it comes to file uploads since there are added dangers and overhead. The WireUpload class does make things simpler and more secure. It also provides options for handling known quantities, filename sanitization, overwriting vs. making unique filenames, processing ZIP files, handling ajax uploads, etc.

The full class is in /wire/core/WireUpload.php

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