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Found 9 results

  1. Hi, We added the Fluency Module and installed it in our ProcessWire setup. We have two languages: Default and Tamil. We are using the "Google Cloud Translation" engine in the Fluency Module and have added the Google Cloud API key. However, we are seeing the following message: "ProcessWire: The translation service is not available, please try again later." (Please find the attachments below.) Could you please suggest how to proceed further?
  2. Hi all, Recently I launched a module -ImportPagesPrestashop-, and now I was thinking if it is worthy to translate this module in several languages (starting with a translation in dutch, because I'm from the Netherlands). Is it worth to put the effort into the translation or do you guys think ->English is the best and translations are not needed? Thanks in advance, ~Harmen
  3. How can I translate the admin buttons that are shown when mousing over a page in the admin interface ("Edit", "View", "New", "Move", "Unpub", "Hide", "Lock", "Trash")? The site uses the built-in Language Support module. I am here: /processwire/page/. I looked for files to translate in the Languages setup section (/processwire/setup/languages/edit/?id=1234), so far unsuccessfully because I was not able to identify a file to translate.
  4. Saw this on ghacks.net. I've never seen a conversion site so comprehensive. https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/cyberchef.htm
  5. Dear Ryan, please correct the transliteration in the page name on the side of back-end. Error that large letters (non-Latin) are simply removed. //Раз Два Три One Two Tri - az-va-ri-one-two-tri Error can be corrected in Sanitizer.php 129 line public function pageName ($ value, $ beautify = false) { if initially lead all to lowercase using the mb_strtolower $ value = mb_strtolower ($ value); //Раз Два Три One Two Tri - raz-dva-tri-one-two-tri and InputfieldPageName.module 'ю' => 'iu', 'я' => 'ia', in countries where the use of the Cyrillic alphabet. by using the Latin alphabet transliteration written through Y 'ю' => 'yu', 'я' => 'ya', And so, very often Ю, written as Y
  6. Hello I am a new comer in processwire. I am not a dev but I am really impressed and I wish to take my chances with this fantastic cms/f with the minimal ui. I need to know if anyone could assist me and sorry if this request has been already replied in another thread but obviously I did not manage to find it.... on how I could translate the admin interface in Greek! Thank you in advance for any welcome replies and advices
  7. I am translating PW to Chinese. I need add the language code zh_CN to the system. Enter: cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, hr, it, nl, no, pt, ro, ru, sk, sl, sv, uk. If your language isn't there, ask us to add it. We will if TinyMCE has it: http://www.tinymce.com/i18n I have download zh_CN.js from http://www.tinymce.com/i18n , and put it into wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE/tinymce-3.5.8/langs. It doesn't work for me. What will I do?
  8. Hello I want to know how I have to translate these texts I've marked in red in the below image: I've found these texts in wire\modules\Inputfield\InputfieldPage\InputfieldPage.module but as this module did not have files with .json or .zip extension, I can't load the texts I want to translate on Admin > Setup > Languages How I should translate them? Thanks
  9. I have installed ProcessWire 2.3 and bought FormBuilder. I have multilingual website and would need to create forms with multilingual placeholders and labels. I could not figure out how to do this by myself. Any help would be appreciated greatly!
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